Module: inertialUKF
Executive Summary
This module filters incoming star tracker measurements and reaction wheel data in order to get the best possible inertial attitude estimate. The filter used is an unscented Kalman filter using the Modified Rodrigues Parameters (MRPs) as a non-singular attitude measure. Measurements can be coming in from several camera heads.
More information on can be found in the
PDF Description
Message Connection Descriptions
The following table lists all the module input and output messages. The module msg connection is set by the user from python. The msg type contains a link to the message structure definition, while the description provides information on what this message is used for.
Msg Variable Name |
Msg Type |
Description |
navStateOutMsg |
navigation output message |
filtDataOutMsg |
name of the output filter data message |
massPropsInMsg |
spacecraft vehicle configuration input message |
rwParamsInMsg |
reaction wheel parameter input message. Can be an empty message if no RW are included. |
rwSpeedsInMsg |
reaction wheel speed input message. Can be an empty message if no RW are included. |
gyrBuffInMsg |
rate gyro input message |
void SelfInit_inertialUKF(InertialUKFConfig *configData, int64_t moduleId)
This method creates the two moduel output messages.
- Parameters:
configData – The configuration data associated with the CSS WLS estimator
moduleId – The module identifier
void Read_STMessages(InertialUKFConfig *configData)
This method reads in the messages from all available star trackers and orders them with respect to time of measurement
- Parameters:
configData – The configuration data associated with the CSS estimator
void Update_inertialUKF(InertialUKFConfig *configData, uint64_t callTime, int64_t moduleId)
This method takes the parsed CSS sensor data and outputs an estimate of the sun vector in the ADCS body frame
- Parameters:
configData – The configuration data associated with the CSS estimator
callTime – The clock time at which the function was called (nanoseconds)
moduleID – The module identifier
void Reset_inertialUKF(InertialUKFConfig *configData, uint64_t callTime, int64_t moduleId)
This method resets the inertial inertial filter to an initial state and initializes the internal estimation matrices.
- Parameters:
configData – The configuration data associated with the CSS estimator
callTime – The clock time at which the function was called (nanoseconds)
moduleId – The module identifier
void inertialUKFAggGyrData(InertialUKFConfig *configData, double prevTime, double propTime, AccDataMsgPayload *gyrData)
This method aggregates the input gyro data into a combined total quaternion rotation to push the state forward by. This information is stored in the main data structure for use in the propagation routines.
- Parameters:
configData – The configuration data associated with the CSS estimator
prevTime – [s] Previous time step
propTime – The time that we need to fix the filter to (seconds)
gyrData – The gyro measurements that we are going to accumulate forward into time
int inertialUKFTimeUpdate(InertialUKFConfig *configData, double updateTime)
This method performs the time update for the inertial kalman filter. It propagates the sigma points forward in time and then gets the current covariance and state estimates.
- Parameters:
configData – The configuration data associated with the CSS estimator
updateTime – The time that we need to fix the filter to (seconds)
int inertialUKFMeasUpdate(InertialUKFConfig *configData, int currentST)
This method performs the measurement update for the inertial kalman filter. It applies the observations in the obs vectors to the current state estimate and updates the state/covariance with that information.
- Parameters:
configData – The configuration data associated with the CSS estimator
currentST – Current star tracker state
void inertialUKFCleanUpdate(InertialUKFConfig *configData)
This method cleans the filter states after a bad upadate on the fly. It removes the potentially corrupted previous estimates and puts the filter back to a working state.
- Parameters:
configData – The configuration data associated with the CSS estimator
void inertialStateProp(InertialUKFConfig *configData, double *stateInOut, double dt)
This method propagates a inertial state vector forward in time. Note that the calling parameter is updated in place to save on data copies.
- Parameters:
configData – The configuration data associated with this module
stateInOut – The state that is propagated
dt – Time step (s)
void inertialUKFMeasModel(InertialUKFConfig *configData, int currentST)
This method computes what the expected measurement vector is for each CSS that is present on the spacecraft. All data is transacted from the main data structure for the model because there are many variables that would have to be updated otherwise.
- Parameters:
configData – The configuration data associated with the CSS estimator
currentST – current star tracker state
struct STMessage
- #include <inertialUKF.h>
Star Tracker (ST) sensor container structure. Contains the msg input name and Id and sensor noise value.
struct STDataParsing
- #include <inertialUKF.h>
Structure to gather the ST messages and content.
struct InertialUKFConfig
- #include <inertialUKF.h>
Top level structure for the Inertial unscented kalman filter. Used to estimate the spacecraft’s inertial attitude. Measurements are StarTracker data and gyro data.
Public Members
The name of the output message.
InertialFilterMsg_C filtDataOutMsg
The name of the output filter data message.
VehicleConfigMsg_C massPropsInMsg
[-] The name of the mass props message
RWArrayConfigMsg_C rwParamsInMsg
The name of the RWConfigParams input message.
RWSpeedMsg_C rwSpeedsInMsg
[-] The name of the input RW speeds message
AccDataMsg_C gyrBuffInMsg
[-] Input message buffer from MIRU
size_t numStates
[-] Number of states for this filter
size_t countHalfSPs
[-] Number of sigma points over 2
size_t numObs
[-] Number of measurements this cycle
double beta
[-] Beta parameter for filter
double alpha
[-] Alpha parameter for filter
double kappa
[-] Kappa parameter for filter
double lambdaVal
[-] Lambda parameter for filter
double gamma
[-] Gamma parameter for filter
double switchMag
[-] Threshold for where we switch MRP set
double dt
[s] seconds since last data epoch
double timeTag
[s] Time tag for statecovar/etc
double gyrAggTimeTag
[s] Time-tag for aggregated gyro data
double aggSigma_b2b1[3]
[-] Aggregated attitude motion from gyros
double dcm_BdyGyrpltf[3][3]
[-] DCM for converting gyro data to body frame
double wM[2 * AKF_N_STATES + 1]
[-] Weighting vector for sigma points
double wC[2 * AKF_N_STATES + 1]
[-] Weighting vector for sigma points
double stateInit[AKF_N_STATES]
[-] State estimate to initialize filter to
double state[AKF_N_STATES]
[-] State estimate for time TimeTag
double statePrev[AKF_N_STATES]
[-] State estimate for time TimeTag at previous time
[-] Time updated covariance
double sBarPrev[AKF_N_STATES * AKF_N_STATES]
[-] Time updated covariance at previous time
double covar[AKF_N_STATES * AKF_N_STATES]
[-] covariance
double covarPrev[AKF_N_STATES * AKF_N_STATES]
[-] covariance at previous time
double covarInit[AKF_N_STATES * AKF_N_STATES]
[-] Covariance to init filter with
double xBar[AKF_N_STATES]
[-] Current mean state estimate
double obs[3]
[-] Observation vector for frame
double yMeas[3 * (2 * AKF_N_STATES + 1)]
[-] Measurement model data
double SP[(2 * AKF_N_STATES + 1) * AKF_N_STATES]
[-] sigma point matrix
[-] process noise matrix
[-] cholesky of Qnoise
double IInv[3][3]
[(kg m^2)^-1] inverse of inertia tensor
uint32_t numUsedGyros
— Number of currently active CSS sensors
uint32_t firstPassComplete
double sigma_BNOut[3]
[-] Output MRP
double omega_BN_BOut[3]
[r/s] Body rate output data
double timeTagOut
[s] Output time-tag information
double maxTimeJump
[s] Maximum time jump to allow in propagation
STAttMsgPayload stSensorIn[MAX_ST_VEH_COUNT]
[-] ST sensor data read in from message bus
int stSensorOrder[MAX_ST_VEH_COUNT]
[-] ST sensor data read in from message bus
uint64_t ClockTimeST[MAX_ST_VEH_COUNT]
[-] All of the ClockTimes for the STs
[-] isWritten flag for STs
RWArrayConfigMsgPayload rwConfigParams
[-] struct to store message containing RW config parameters in body B frame
RWSpeedMsgPayload rwSpeeds
[-] Local reaction wheel speeds
RWSpeedMsgPayload rwSpeedPrev
[-] Local reaction wheel speeds
double speedDt
[s] The time difference between speeds
uint64_t timeWheelPrev
[ns] Previous wheel time-tag from msg
VehicleConfigMsgPayload localConfigData
[-] Vehicle configuration data
LowPassFilterData gyroFilt[3]
[-] Low-pass filters for input gyro data
STDataParsing STDatasStruct
[-] Id of the input message buffer
BSKLogger *bskLogger
BSK Logging.