
test_solarArrayReference.test_solarArrayRotation(show_plots, rHat_SB_N, sigma_BN, sigma_RN, bodyFrame, pointingMode, accuracy)[source]

Validation Test Description

This unit test verifies the correctness of the output reference angle computed by the Module: solarArrayReference. The inputs provided are the inertial Sun direction, current attitude of the hub, and reference frame. Based on current attitude, the sun direction vector is mapped into body frame coordinates and passed into the Attitude Navigation Message.

Test Parameters

  • rHat_SB_N[3] (double) – Sun direction vector, in inertial frame components;

  • sigma_BN[3] (double) – spacecraft hub attitude with respect to the inertial frame, in MRP;

  • sigma_RN[3] (double) – reference frame attitude with respect to the inertial frame, in MRP;

  • bodyFrame (int) – 0 to calculate reference rotation angle w.r.t. reference frame, 1 to calculate it w.r.t the current spacecraft attitude;

  • pointingMode (int) – 0 to compute reference angle to maximize power generation, 1 for maximum momentum dumping

  • accuracy (float) – absolute accuracy value used in the validation tests.

Description of Variables Being Tested

This unit test checks the correctness of the output attitude reference message

  • hingedRigidBodyRefOutMsg

in all its parts. The reference angle theta is checked versus the value computed by a python function that computes the same angle. The reference angle derivative thetaDot is checked versus zero, as the module is run for only one Update call.