
test_lambertValidator.test_lambertValidator(show_plots, p1_dv, p2_tm, p3_tf, p4_iter, p5_errX, accuracy)[source]

Validation Test Description

This test checks if the Lambert validator module works correctly for different Delta-V vectors, maneuver times and final times. Different values for the Lambert solver root finder iteration number and error are also used. If the iteration number or error is too large, the commanded Delta-V should be zero.

Test Parameters

  • show_plots – flag if plots should be shown

  • p1_dv – Delta-V vector

  • p2_tm – maneuver time

  • p3_tf – final time

  • p4_iter – number of iterations of the Lambert solver root finder

  • p5_errX – error of the Lambert solver root finder solution

  • accuracy – accuracy of the test

Description of Variables Being Tested

The content of the DvBurnCmdMsg output message (DV vector and burn start time) is compared with the true values.