Module: stComm

Executive Summary

This module takes the star tracker sensor data in the platform frame and converts that information to the format used by the ST nav in the body frame.

Message Connection Descriptions

The following table lists all the module input and output messages. The module msg connection is set by the user from python. The msg type contains a link to the message structure definition, while the description provides information on what this message is used for.

Module I/O Messages

Msg Variable Name

Msg Type




star tracker sensor input message



star tracker attitude output message


void SelfInit_stProcessTelem(STConfigData *configData, int64_t moduleID)

This method initializes the configData for the ST sensor interface.

  • configData – The configuration data associated with the ST sensor interface

  • moduleID – The ID associated with the configData

void Reset_stProcessTelem(STConfigData *configData, uint64_t callTime, int64_t moduleID)

This method resets the module.

  • configData – The configuration data associated with the module

  • callTime – The clock time at which the function was called (nanoseconds)

  • moduleID – The ID associated with the configData

void Update_stProcessTelem(STConfigData *configData, uint64_t callTime, int64_t moduleID)

This method takes the raw sensor data from the star tracker and converts that information to the format used by the ST nav.

  • configData – The configuration data associated with the ST interface

  • callTime – The clock time at which the function was called (nanoseconds)

  • moduleID – The ID associated with the configData

struct STConfigData
#include <stComm.h>

Module configuration message.

Public Members

double dcm_BP[9]

Row major platform 2 body DCM

STSensorMsg_C stSensorInMsg

star tracker sensor input message

STAttMsg_C stAttOutMsg

star tracker attitude output message

STAttMsgPayload attOutBuffer

Output data structure

BSKLogger *bskLogger

BSK Logging.