Module: THRSimConfig
struct THRSimConfig
- #include <THRSimConfig.h>
Container for overall thruster configuration data for single thruster.
This structure is used to define the overall configuration of an entire thruster. It holds the current operational data for the thruster, the ramp/max/min configuration data, and the physical location/orientation data for a thruster.
Public Members
Eigen::Vector3d thrLoc_B
[m] Thruster location expressed in body
Eigen::Vector3d thrDir_B
Thruster force direction unit vector in body.
std::vector<THRTimePair> ThrusterOnRamp
Percentage of max thrust for ramp up.
std::vector<THRTimePair> ThrusterOffRamp
Percentage of max thrust for ramp down.
double areaNozzle
[m^2] Area of nozzle
double MaxThrust
[N] Steady state thrust of thruster
double steadyIsp
[s] Steady state specific impulse of thruster
double MinOnTime
[s] Minimum allowable on-time
THROperation ThrustOps
Thruster operating data.
double thrusterMagDisp
Percentage of magnitude dispersion.
std::vector<double> thrusterDirectionDisp
Unit vector of dispersed thruster pointing.
bool updateOnly = true
Use update only calculations.
char label[10]
label name of the TH device being simulated
double cutoffFrequency
[rad/s] cutoff frequency for first-order behavior
double MaxSwirlTorque
[Nm] Steady state magnitude of the swirl torque produced by ionic thrusters
std::vector<double> thrBlowDownCoeff
Polynomial coefficients for fuel mass to thrust blow down model in descending order.
std::vector<double> ispBlowDownCoeff
Polynomial coefficients for fuel mass to Isp blow down model in descending order.
Eigen::Vector3d thrLoc_B