Module: magneticFieldCenteredDipole

Executive Summary

Evaluate a centered dipole magnetic field model about a planet for a range of spacecraft locations. For more information on this module see this PDF Description.

The module is a sub-class of the Module: magneticFieldBase base class. See that class for the nominal messages used and general instructions.

class MagneticFieldCenteredDipole : public MagneticFieldBase
#include <magneticFieldCenteredDipole.h>

magnetic field centered dipole class

Public Functions


The constructor method initializes the dipole parameters to zero, resuling in a zero magnetic field result by default.


Empty destructor method.

Public Members

double g10

[T] IGRF coefficient g_1^0

double g11

[T] IGRF coefficient g_1^1

double h11

[T] IGRF coefficient h_1^1

BSKLogger bskLogger

&#8212; BSK Logging

Private Functions

void evaluateMagneticFieldModel(MagneticFieldMsgPayload *msg, double currentTime)

This method is evaluates the centered dipole magnetic field model.

  • msg – magnetic field message structure

  • currentTime – current time (s)