Module: magneticFieldWMM
Executive Summary
Evaluate a magnetic field model about Earth for a range of spacecraft locations using the World Magnetic Model (WMM).
For more information on this module see this For more information on this module see this PDF Description
The module is a sub-class of the Module: magneticFieldBase base class. See that class for the nominal messages used and general instructions.
class MagneticFieldWMM : public MagneticFieldBase
- #include <magneticFieldWMM.h>
magnetic field WMM class
Public Functions
The constructor method initializes the dipole parameters to zero, resuling in a zero magnetic field result by default.
Clean up any memory allocations.
Public Members
std::string dataPath
— String with the path to the WMM coefficient file
double epochDateFractionalYear
Specified epoch date as a fractional year.
BSKLogger bskLogger
— BSK Logging
Private Functions
void evaluateMagneticFieldModel(MagneticFieldMsgPayload *msg, double currentTime)
This method is evaluates the centered dipole magnetic field model.
- Parameters:
msg – magnetic field message structure
currentTime – current time (s)
void initializeWmm()
void cleanupEarthMagFieldModel()
Performs memory cleanup necessary for magnetic field models
void computeWmmField(double decimalYear, MAGtype_CoordSpherical coord, double B_M[3])
void customReset(uint64_t CurrentClock)
Custom Reset() method. This loads the WMM coefficient file and gets the model setup.
void customSetEpochFromVariable()
Custom customSetEpochFromVariable() method. This allows specifying epochDateFractionYear directly from Python. If an epoch message is set then this variable is not used.
void decimalYear2Gregorian(double fractionalYear, struct tm *gregorian)
Convert a fraction year double value into a time structure with gregorian date/time information
double gregorian2DecimalYear(double currentTime)
Convert a time structure with gregorian date/time information into a fraction year value.
- Returns:
Private Members
MAGtype_MagneticModel *magneticModel
MAGtype_MagneticModel *timedMagneticModel
MAGtype_Ellipsoid ellip
MAGtype_Geoid geoid
MAGtype_Date userDate
MAGtype_LegendreFunction *LegendreFunction
MAGtype_SphericalHarmonicVariables *SphVariables