
vizSupport.createStandardCamera(viz, **kwargs)[source]

add a standard camera window

vizSupport.enableUnityVisualization(scSim, simTaskName, scList, **kwargs)[source]

This methods creates an instance of the vizInterface() modules and setups up associated Vizard configuration setting messages.

  • scSim – variable with the simulationBaseClass copy

  • simTaskName – task to which to add the vizInterface module

  • scListModule: spacecraft objects. Can be a single object or list of objects

Keyword Arguments:
  • saveFile (str) – can be a single file name, or a full path + file name. In both cases a local results are stored in a local sub-folder. Default: empty string resulting in the data not being saved to a file

  • rwEffectorList (single or list of ReactionWheelStateEffector) – The list must have the same length scList. Each entry is the Module: reactionWheelStateEffector instance for the spacecraft, or None if the spacecraft has no RW devices.

  • thrEffectorList (single or double-list of Module: thrusterDynamicEffector) – The list must have the same length scList. Each entry is a list of Module: reactionWheelStateEffector instances for the spacecraft denoting a thruster cluster, or None if the spacecraft has no thruster devices.

  • thrColors (single or vector of int(4)) – array of RGBA color values for each thruster set. The list must have the same length as scList. Each list entry is a list of RGBA array values for each cluster set.

  • cssList – list of lists of Module: coarseSunSensor objects. The outer list length must match scList.

  • genericSensorList – list of lists of GenericSensor structures. The outer list length must match scList.

  • genericSensorCmdInMsgs – list of lists of DeviceCmdMsgPayload sensor state messages. The outer list length must match scList. If the spacecraft has no sensor command msg, then use None.

  • opNavMode (bool) – flag if opNavMode should be used [DEPRECATED]

  • liveStream (bool) – flag if live data streaming to Vizard should be used

  • broadcastStream (bool) – flag if messages should be broadcast for listener Vizards to pick up.

  • noDisplay (bool) – flag if Vizard should run performance opNav (no Vizard display)

  • genericStorageList – list of lists of GenericStorage structures. The outer list length must match scList.

  • lightList – list of lists of Light structures. The outer list length must match scList.

  • spriteList – list of sprite information for each spacecraft

  • modelDictionaryKeyList – list of the spacecraft model dictionary. Use None if default values are used

  • oscOrbitColorList – list of spacecraft osculating orbit colors. Can be 4 RGBA integer value (0-255), a color string, or None if default values should be used. The array must be of the length of the spacecraft list

  • trueOrbitColorList – list of spacecraft true or actual orbit colors. Can be 4 RGBA integer value (0-255), a color string, or None if default values should be used. The array must be of the length of the spacecraft list

  • trueOrbitColorInMsgList – list of color messages to read and provide the true orbit color at each time step. This overwrites the values set with trueOrbitColorList.

  • msmInfoList – list of MSM configuration messages

  • ellipsoidList – list of lists of Ellipsoid structures. The outer list length must match scList.


copy of the vizInterface instance

Return type:

Module: vizInterface object

vizSupport.setActuatorGuiSetting(viz, **kwargs)[source]

This method sets the actuator GUI properties for a particular spacecraft. If no spacecraftName is provided, then the name of the first spacecraft in the simulation is assumed.

  • viz – copy of the vizInterface module

  • kwargs – list of keyword arguments that this method supports



Keyword Arguments:
  • spacecraftName (str) – The name of the spacecraft for which the actuator GUI options are set. Default: If not provided, then the name of the first spacecraft in the simulation is used.

  • viewThrusterPanel (bool) – flag if the GUI panel should be shown illustrating the thruster states Default: if not provided, then the Vizard default settings are used

  • viewRWPanel (bool) – flag if the GUI panel should be shown illustrating the reaction wheel states Default: if not provided, then the Vizard default settings are used

  • viewThrusterHUD (bool) – flag if the HUD visualization of the thruster states should be shown Default: if not provided, then the Vizard default settings are used

  • viewRWHUD (bool) – flag if the HUD visualization of the reaction wheel states should be shown Default: if not provided, then the Vizard default settings are used

  • showThrusterLabels (bool) – flag if the thruster labels should be shown Default: if not provided, then the Vizard default settings are used

  • showRWLabels (bool) – flag if the reaction wheel labels should be shown Default: if not provided, then the Vizard default settings are used

vizSupport.setInstrumentGuiSetting(viz, **kwargs)[source]

This method sets the instrument GUI properties for a particular spacecraft. If no spacecraftName is provided, then the name of the first spacecraft in the simulation is assumed.

  • viz – copy of the vizInterface module

  • kwargs – list of keyword arguments that this method supports



Keyword Arguments:
  • spacecraftName (str) – The name of the spacecraft for which the actuator GUI options are set. Default: 0 - If not provided, then the name of the first spacecraft in the simulation is used.

  • viewCSSPanel (int) – flag if the GUI panel should be shown (1) or hidden (-1) illustrating the CSS states Default: 0 - if not provided, then the Vizard default settings are used

  • viewCSSCoverage (int) – flag if the HUD spherical coverage of the CSS states should be shown (1) or hidden (-1) Default: 0 - if not provided, then the Vizard default settings are used

  • viewCSSBoresight (int) – flag if the HUD boresight axes of the CSS states should be shown (1) or hidden (-1) Default: 0 - if not provided, then the Vizard default settings are used

  • showCSSLabels (int) – flag if the CSS labels should be shown (1) or hidden (-1) Default: 0 - if not provided, then the Vizard default settings are used

  • showGenericSensorLabels (int) – flag if the generic sensor labels should be shown (1) or hidden (-1) Default: 0 - if not provided, then the Vizard default settings are used

  • showTransceiverLabels (int) – flag if the generic sensor labels should be shown (1) or hidden (-1) Default: 0 - if not provided, then the Vizard default settings are used

  • showTransceiverFrustrum (int) – flag if the generic sensor labels should be shown (1) or hidden (-1) Default: 0 - if not provided, then the Vizard default settings are used

  • showGenericStoragePanel (int) – flag if the generic sensor labels should be shown (1) or hidden (-1) Default: 0 - if not provided, then the Vizard default settings are used

  • showMultiSphereLabels (int) – flag if the generic sensor labels should be shown (1) or hidden (-1) Default: 0 - if not provided, then the Vizard default settings are used

vizSupport.setSprite(shape, **kwargs)[source]

Helper function to set the sprite shape and optional sprite color. :param shape: Sprite shape, must be either “CIRCLE”, “SQUARE”, “TRIANGLE”, “STAR”, or “bskSat” :param kwargs: RGBA color, can be either color name string or a 4D list of [0,255] values :return: string of the protobuffer sprite setting