Installing Optional Packages

This page contains all the optional python packages that can be included to unlock additional Basilisk features or utilities. For convenience the complete set of optional packages, including any constraints on acceptable versions, are listed here:

sphinx>7.0.0, <8.0.0

To automatically ensure that the system has all optional packages installed, use the allOptPkg flag as discussed in Building the Software Framework.

Creating the Sphinx Basilisk Documentation

Go to Creating the HTML Basilisk Documentation using Sphinx/Doxygen to learn what associated python tools are required. The following python packages must be installed via pip:

pip3 install 'sphinx>7.0.0, <8.0.0' sphinx_rtd_theme==2.0.0 breathe recommonmark docutils

See the list at the top of this page for what versions of these packages are acceptable.

Formatting Code Files using pre-commit and clang-format

If you are developing new code to contribute back to Basilisk it must follow the Coding Guidelines. This requires installing:

pip3 install pre-commit clang-format

The file explains how to setup and use these code formating tools.