Source code for makeDraftModule

# ISC License
# Copyright (c) 2021, Autonomous Vehicle Systems Lab, University of Colorado at Boulder
# Permission to use, copy, modify, and/or distribute this software for any
# purpose with or without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above
# copyright notice and this permission notice appear in all copies.

This script is used to create a Basilisk module folder given the basic I/O and naming information.

- Modify either ``fillCppInfo()`` or ``fillCInfo()`` to contain the desired information for the new BSK module.
- edit the ``__main__`` routine at the end of the file to call the desired module type with
  ``createCppModule()`` or ``createCModule``.
- run the script from the command line using ``python3``


import os
import re
import shutil
from datetime import datetime

# assumes this script is in .../basilisk/src/utilities
pathToSrc = os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)))
initialCwd = os.getcwd()

statusColor = '\033[92m'
failColor = '\033[91m'
warningColor = '\033[93m'
endColor = '\033[0m'

[docs] class moduleGenerator: """ class to generate draft Basilisk modules """ def __init__(self): # the following variables must be set for this module generator to function self.modulePathRelSrc = None # path to the new module folder relative to basilisk/src self.moduleName = None # lower camel case name of the module self.briefDescription = None # brief module description self.copyrightHolder = None # holder of open source copyright self.inMsgList = [] # list of input message dictionary list self.outMsgList = [] # list of input message dictionary list self.variableList = [] # list of module variables # module behavior flags self.cleanBuild = False # flag if any prior directories should be deleted automatically self.verbose = True # flag if the status messages should be printed # private class variables self._absPath = None # absolute path to the folder which will contain the module folder self._newModuleLocation = None # absolute path to the auto-generated Basilisk module folder self._licenseText = None # BSK open-source license statement def log(self, statement, **kwargs): if self.verbose: if 'end' in kwargs: endString = kwargs['end'] print(statement, end=endString) else: print(statement)
[docs] def checkPathToNewFolderLocation(self): """ Make sure the supplied module destination path is correct """ self.log(f"{statusColor}Checking Module location:{endColor}", end=" ") if os.path.isdir(self._absPath): os.chdir(self._absPath) else: self.log(f"{failColor}\nERROR: {endColor}Incorrect path to the new folder:") self.log(self._absPath) exit() self.log("Done") self.log(self._absPath)
[docs] def createNewModuleFolder(self): """ Create the new module folder """ self.log(f"{statusColor}Creating Module Folder:{endColor}", end=" ") if os.path.isdir(self._newModuleLocation): self.log(f"\n{warningColor}WARNING: {endColor}The new module destination already exists.") if not self.cleanBuild: ans = input("Do you want to delete this folder and recreate? (y or n): ") if ans != "y": self.log(f"{failColor}Aborting module creation.{endColor}") exit() self.log("Cleared the old folder.") shutil.rmtree(self._newModuleLocation) else: self.log("Done") os.mkdir(self._newModuleLocation) os.chdir(self._newModuleLocation)
[docs] def readLicense(self): """Read the Basilisk license file""" self.log(statusColor + "Importing License:" + endColor, end=" ") with open(pathToSrc + "/../LICENSE", 'r') as f: self._licenseText = self._licenseText = self._licenseText.replace("2016", str( self._licenseText = self._licenseText.replace( "Autonomous Vehicle Systems Lab, University of Colorado at Boulder", self.copyrightHolder) self.log("Done")
[docs] def createRstFile(self): """Create the Module RST documentation draft.""" rstFileName = f"{self.moduleName}.rst" self.log(f"{statusColor}Creating RST Documentation File {rstFileName}:{endColor}", end=" ") rstFile = 'Executive Summary\n' rstFile += '-----------------\n' rstFile += f'{self.briefDescription}\n' rstFile += '\n' rstFile += 'Message Connection Descriptions\n' rstFile += '-------------------------------\n' rstFile += 'The following table lists all the module input and output messages. \n' rstFile += 'The module msg connection is set by the user from python. \n' rstFile += 'The msg type contains a link to the message structure definition, while the description \n' rstFile += 'provides information on what this message is used for.\n' rstFile += '\n' rstFile += '.. list-table:: Module I/O Messages\n' rstFile += ' :widths: 25 25 50\n' rstFile += ' :header-rows: 1\n' rstFile += '\n' rstFile += ' * - Msg Variable Name\n' rstFile += ' - Msg Type\n' rstFile += ' - Description\n' for msg in self.inMsgList + self.outMsgList: rstFile += f' * - {msg["var"]}\n' rstFile += f' - :ref:`{msg["type"]}Payload`\n' rstFile += f' - {msg["desc"]}\n' rstFile += '\n' with open(rstFileName, 'w') as w: w.write(rstFile) self.log("Done")
[docs] def createTestFile(self, type): """ Create a functioning python unit test file that loads the new module, creates and connect blank input messages, and sets up recorder modules for each output message. """ os.mkdir('_UnitTest') os.chdir('_UnitTest') testFileName = f"test_{self.moduleName}.py" self.log(f"{statusColor}Creating Python Init Test File {testFileName}:{endColor}", end=" ") testFile = "" for line in self._licenseText.split('\n'): testFile += f'# {line}\n' testFile += '\n' testFile += 'import pytest\n' testFile += '\n' testFile += 'from Basilisk.utilities import SimulationBaseClass\n' testFile += 'from Basilisk.utilities import unitTestSupport\n' testFile += 'from Basilisk.architecture import messaging\n' testFile += 'from Basilisk.utilities import macros\n' testFile += f'from Basilisk.{os.path.split(self.modulePathRelSrc)[0]} import {self.moduleName}\n' testFile += '\n' testFile += '@pytest.mark.parametrize("accuracy", [1e-12])\n' testFile += '@pytest.mark.parametrize("param1, param2", [\n' testFile += ' (1, 1)\n' testFile += ' ,(1, 3)\n' testFile += '])\n' testFile += '\n' testFile += f'def test_{self.moduleName}(show_plots, param1, param2, accuracy):\n' testFile += ' r"""\n' testFile += ' **Validation Test Description**\n' testFile += '\n' testFile += ' Compose a general description of what is being tested in this unit test script.\n' testFile += '\n' testFile += ' **Test Parameters**\n' testFile += '\n' testFile += ' Discuss the test parameters used.\n' testFile += '\n' testFile += ' Args:\n' testFile += ' param1 (int): Dummy test parameter for this parameterized unit test\n' testFile += ' param2 (int): Dummy test parameter for this parameterized unit test\n' testFile += ' accuracy (float): absolute accuracy value used in the validation tests\n' testFile += '\n' testFile += ' **Description of Variables Being Tested**\n' testFile += '\n' testFile += ' Here discuss what variables and states are being checked. \n' testFile += ' """\n' testFile += f' [testResults, testMessage] = {self.moduleName}TestFunction(show_plots, param1, param2, accuracy)\n' testFile += ' assert testResults < 1, testMessage\n' testFile += '\n' testFile += '\n' testFile += f'def {self.moduleName}TestFunction(show_plots, param1, param2, accuracy):\n' testFile += ' """Test method"""\n' testFile += ' testFailCount = 0\n' testFile += ' testMessages = []\n' testFile += ' unitTaskName = "unitTask"\n' testFile += ' unitProcessName = "TestProcess"\n' testFile += '\n' testFile += ' unitTestSim = SimulationBaseClass.SimBaseClass()\n' testFile += ' testProcessRate = macros.sec2nano(0.5)\n' testFile += ' testProc = unitTestSim.CreateNewProcess(unitProcessName)\n' testFile += ' testProc.addTask(unitTestSim.CreateNewTask(unitTaskName, testProcessRate))\n' testFile += '\n' testFile += ' # setup module to be tested\n' if type == "C++": testFile += f' module = {self.moduleName}.{self._className}()\n' elif type == "C": testFile += f' module = {self.moduleName}.{self.moduleName}()\n' else: self.log(f"{failColor}ERROR: {endColor}Wrong module type provided to test file method.") exit(0) testFile += f' module.ModelTag = "{self.moduleName}Tag"\n' testFile += ' unitTestSim.AddModelToTask(unitTaskName, module)\n' testFile += '\n' testFile += ' # Configure blank module input messages\n' for msg in self.inMsgList: testFile += f' {msg["var"]}Data = messaging.{msg["type"]}Payload()\n' testFile += f' {msg["var"]} = messaging.{msg["type"]}().write({msg["var"]}Data)\n' testFile += '\n' testFile += ' # subscribe input messages to module\n' for msg in self.inMsgList: testFile += f' module.{msg["var"]}.subscribeTo({msg["var"]})\n' testFile += '\n' testFile += ' # setup output message recorder objects\n' for msg in self.outMsgList: testFile += f' {msg["var"]}Rec = module.{msg["var"]}.recorder()\n' testFile += f' unitTestSim.AddModelToTask(unitTaskName, {msg["var"]}Rec)\n' testFile += '\n' testFile += ' unitTestSim.InitializeSimulation()\n' testFile += ' unitTestSim.ConfigureStopTime(macros.sec2nano(1.0))\n' testFile += ' unitTestSim.ExecuteSimulation()\n' testFile += '\n' testFile += ' # pull module data and make sure it is correct\n' testFile += '\n' testFile += ' if testFailCount == 0:\n' testFile += ' print("PASSED: " + module.ModelTag)\n' testFile += ' else:\n' testFile += ' print(testMessages)\n' testFile += '\n' testFile += ' return [testFailCount, "".join(testMessages)]\n' testFile += '\n' testFile += '\n' testFile += 'if __name__ == "__main__":\n' testFile += f' test_{self.moduleName}(False, 1, 1, 1e-12)\n' testFile += '\n' testFile += '\n' with open(testFileName, 'w') as w: w.write(testFile) self.log("Done")
[docs] def createCppModule(self): """ Create a C++ Basilisk module """ modulePath = self.modulePathRelSrc name = self.moduleName briefDescription = self.briefDescription inMsgList = self.inMsgList outMsgList = self.outMsgList variableList = self.variableList self.log(statusColor + '\nCreating C++ Module: ' + endColor + name) self._className = re.sub('([a-zA-Z])', lambda x: x.groups()[0].upper(), name, 1) # read in the license information self.readLicense() licenseC = "/*" + self._licenseText + "*/\n\n" # make sure the path, specified relative to basilisk/src, to the new module location is correct self._absPath = os.path.join(pathToSrc, modulePath) self.checkPathToNewFolderLocation() # create new Module folder self._newModuleLocation = os.path.join(self._absPath, name) self.createNewModuleFolder() # # make module header file # headerFileName = name + ".h" self.log(f"{statusColor}Creating Header File {headerFileName}:{endColor}", end=" ") headerFile = licenseC headerFile += '\n' headerFile += f'#ifndef {name.upper()}_H\n' headerFile += f'#define {name.upper()}_H\n' headerFile += '\n' headerFile += '#include "architecture/_GeneralModuleFiles/sys_model.h"\n' # loop over message definition includes includedMsgs = [] for msg in inMsgList + outMsgList: # ensure we don't include message definition files multiple times if msg['type'] not in includedMsgs: if msg['wrap'] == 'C': headerFile += f'#include "architecture/msgPayloadDefC/{msg["type"]}Payload.h"\n' if msg['wrap'] == 'C++': headerFile += f'#include "architecture/msgPayloadDefCpp/{msg["type"]}Payload.h"\n' includedMsgs.append(msg['type']) headerFile += '#include "architecture/utilities/bskLogging.h"\n' headerFile += '#include "architecture/messaging/messaging.h"\n' headerFile += '\n' headerFile += f'/*! @brief {briefDescription}\n */\n' headerFile += f'class {self._className}: public SysModel {{\n' headerFile += 'public:\n' headerFile += f' {self._className}();\n' headerFile += f' ~{self._className}();\n' headerFile += '\n' headerFile += ' void Reset(uint64_t CurrentSimNanos);\n' headerFile += ' void UpdateState(uint64_t CurrentSimNanos);\n' headerFile += '\n' headerFile += 'public:\n' for msg in inMsgList: headerFile += f' ReadFunctor<{msg["type"]}Payload> {msg["var"]}; //!< {msg["desc"]}\n' headerFile += '\n' for msg in outMsgList: headerFile += f' Message<{msg["type"]}Payload> {msg["var"]}; //!< {msg["desc"]}\n' headerFile += '\n' headerFile += ' BSKLogger bskLogger; //!< BSK Logging\n' headerFile += '\n' if len(variableList): for msg in variableList: varName = msg['var']; headerFile += f" /** setter for `{varName}` property */\n" headerFile += f' void set{varName[:1].upper() + varName[1:]}({msg["type"]});\n' headerFile += f" /** getter for `{varName}` property */\n" headerFile += (f' {msg["type"]} get{varName[:1].upper() + varName[1:]}() ' f'const {{return this->{varName};}}\n') headerFile += '\n' headerFile += 'private:\n' for msg in variableList: headerFile += f' {msg["type"]} {msg["var"]}; //!< {msg["desc"]}\n' headerFile += '\n' headerFile += '};\n' headerFile += '\n' headerFile += "\n#endif\n" with open(headerFileName, 'w') as w: w.write(headerFile) self.log("Done") # # make module definition file # defFileName = name + ".cpp" self.log(statusColor + "Creating Definition File " + defFileName + ":" + endColor, end=" ") defFile = licenseC defFile += '\n' defFile += f'#include "{modulePath}/{name}/{name}.h"\n' defFile += '#include <iostream>\n' defFile += '#include <cstring>\n' defFile += '\n' defFile += '/*! This is the constructor for the module class. It sets default variable\n' defFile += ' values and initializes the various parts of the model */\n' defFile += self._className + '::' + self._className + '()\n' defFile += '{\n' if self.variableList: defFile += ' // initialize module variables\n' for msg in variableList: defFile += f' this->{msg["var"]} = {{}};\n' defFile += '}\n' defFile += '\n' defFile += '/*! Module Destructor */\n' defFile += f'{self._className}::~{self._className}()\n' defFile += '{\n' defFile += '}\n' defFile += '\n' defFile += '/*! This method is used to reset the module and checks that required input messages are connect.\n' defFile += ' @return void\n' defFile += '*/\n' defFile += f'void {self._className}::Reset(uint64_t CurrentSimNanos)\n' defFile += '{\n' defFile += ' // check that required input messages are connected\n' for msg in inMsgList: defFile += f' if (!this->{msg["var"]}.isLinked()) {{\n' defFile += f' bskLogger.bskLog(BSK_ERROR, "{self._className}.{msg["var"]} was not linked.");\n' defFile += ' }\n' defFile += '\n' defFile += '}\n' defFile += '\n' defFile += '\n' defFile += '/*! This is the main method that gets called every time the module is updated. ' \ 'Provide an appropriate description.\n' defFile += ' @return void\n' defFile += '*/\n' defFile += f'void {self._className}::UpdateState(uint64_t CurrentSimNanos)\n' defFile += '{\n' for msg in inMsgList + outMsgList: defFile += f' {msg["type"]}Payload {msg["var"]}Buffer; //!< local copy of message buffer\n' defFile += '\n' defFile += ' // always zero the output message buffers before assigning values\n' for msg in outMsgList: defFile += f' {msg["var"]}Buffer = this->{msg["var"]}.zeroMsgPayload;\n' defFile += '\n' defFile += ' // read in the input messages\n' for msg in inMsgList: defFile += f' {msg["var"]}Buffer = this->{msg["var"]}();\n' defFile += '\n' defFile += ' // do some math and stuff to populate the output messages\n' defFile += '\n' defFile += ' // write to the output messages\n' for msg in outMsgList: defFile += f' this->{msg["var"]}.write(&{msg["var"]}Buffer, this->moduleID, CurrentSimNanos);\n' defFile += '}\n' defFile += '\n' if variableList: for msg in variableList: varName = msg['var'] defFile += f'void {self._className}::set{varName[:1].upper() + varName[1:]}({msg["type"]} var)\n' defFile += '{\n' defFile += f' this->{varName} = var;\n' defFile += '}\n' defFile += '\n' with open(defFileName, 'w') as w: w.write(defFile) self.log("Done") # # make module swig interface file # swigFileName = name + ".i" self.log(statusColor + "Creating Swig Interface File " + swigFileName + ":" + endColor, end=" ") swigFile = licenseC swigFile += f'%module {name}\n' swigFile += '%{\n' swigFile += f' #include "{name}.h"\n' swigFile += '%}\n' swigFile += '\n' swigFile += '%pythoncode %{\n' swigFile += ' from Basilisk.architecture.swig_common_model import *\n' swigFile += '%}\n' swigFile += '%include "std_string.i"\n' swigFile += '%include "swig_conly_data.i"\n' swigFile += '\n' swigFile += '%include "sys_model.i"\n' swigFile += f'%include "{name}.h"\n' swigFile += '\n' includedMsgs = [] for msg in inMsgList + outMsgList: # ensure we don't include message definition files multiple times if msg['type'] not in includedMsgs: if msg['wrap'] == 'C': swigFile += f'%include "architecture/msgPayloadDefC/{msg["type"]}Payload.h"\n' swigFile += f'struct {msg["type"]}_C;\n' if msg['wrap'] == 'C++': swigFile += f'%include "architecture/msgPayloadDefCpp/{msg["type"]}Payload.h"\n' includedMsgs.append(msg['type']) swigFile += '\n' swigFile += '%pythoncode %{\n' swigFile += 'import sys\n' swigFile += 'protectAllClasses(sys.modules[__name__])\n' swigFile += '%}\n' swigFile += '\n' with open(swigFileName, 'w') as w: w.write(swigFile) self.log("Done") # make module definition file self.createRstFile() # make module unit test file self.createTestFile("C++") # restore current working directory os.chdir(initialCwd)
[docs] def createCModule(self): """ Create a C Basilisk module """ modulePath = self.modulePathRelSrc name = self.moduleName briefDescription = self.briefDescription inMsgList = self.inMsgList outMsgList = self.outMsgList variableList = self.variableList self.log(f"{statusColor}\nCreating C Module: {endColor}{name}") self._className = re.sub('([a-zA-Z])', lambda x: x.groups()[0].upper(), name, 1) # read in the license information self.readLicense() licenseC = f"/*{self._licenseText}*/\n\n" # make sure the path, specified relative to basilisk/src, to the new module location is correct self._absPath = os.path.join(pathToSrc, modulePath) self.checkPathToNewFolderLocation() # create new Module folder self._newModuleLocation = os.path.join(self._absPath, name) self.createNewModuleFolder() # # make module header file # headerFileName = f"{name}.h" self.log(f"{statusColor}Creating Header File {headerFileName}:{endColor}", end=" ") headerFile = licenseC headerFile += '\n' headerFile += f'#ifndef {name.upper()}_H\n' headerFile += f'#define {name.upper()}_H\n' headerFile += '\n' headerFile += '#include <stdint.h>\n' # loop over message definition includes includedMsgs = [] for msg in inMsgList + outMsgList: # ensure we don't include message definition files multiple times if msg['type'] not in includedMsgs: if msg['wrap'] == 'C': headerFile += f'#include "cMsgCInterface/{msg["type"]}_C.h"\n' if msg['wrap'] == 'C++': self.log(f"{failColor}Error: {endColor}You can't include C++ messages in a C module.") exit() includedMsgs.append(msg['type']) headerFile += '#include "architecture/utilities/bskLogging.h"\n' headerFile += '\n' headerFile += f'/*! @brief {briefDescription}\n */\n' headerFile += f'typedef struct {{\n' headerFile += '\n' headerFile += ' /* declare module IO interfaces */\n' for msg in inMsgList: headerFile += f' {msg["type"]}_C {msg["var"]}; //!< {msg["desc"]}\n' for msg in outMsgList: headerFile += f' {msg["type"]}_C {msg["var"]}; //!< {msg["desc"]}\n' if len(variableList): headerFile += '\n' for msg in variableList: headerFile += f' {msg["type"]} {msg["var"]}; //!< {msg["desc"]}\n' headerFile += '\n' headerFile += ' BSKLogger *bskLogger; //!< BSK Logging\n' headerFile += f'}}{name}Config;\n' headerFile += '\n' headerFile += '#ifdef __cplusplus\n' headerFile += 'extern "C" {\n' headerFile += '#endif\n' headerFile += f' void SelfInit_{name}({name}Config *configData, int64_t moduleID);\n' headerFile += f' void Update_{name}({name}Config *configData, uint64_t callTime, int64_t moduleID);\n' headerFile += f' void Reset_{name}({name}Config *configData, uint64_t callTime, int64_t moduleID);\n' headerFile += '\n' headerFile += '#ifdef __cplusplus\n' headerFile += '}\n' headerFile += '#endif\n' headerFile += '\n' headerFile += '#endif\n' with open(headerFileName, 'w') as w: w.write(headerFile) self.log("Done") # # make module definition file # defFileName = f"{name}.c" self.log(f"{statusColor}Creating Definition File {defFileName}:{endColor}", end=" ") defFile = licenseC defFile += '\n' defFile += f'#include "{modulePath}/{name}/{name}.h"\n' defFile += '#include "string.h"\n' defFile += '\n' defFile += '/*!\n' defFile += ' This method initializes the output messages for this module.\n' defFile += ' @return void\n' defFile += ' @param configData The configuration data associated with this module\n' defFile += ' @param moduleID The module identifier\n' defFile += ' */\n' defFile += f'void SelfInit_{name}({name}Config *configData, int64_t moduleID)\n' defFile += '{\n' for msg in outMsgList: defFile += f' {msg["type"]}_C_init(&configData->{msg["var"]});\n' defFile += '}\n' defFile += '\n' defFile += '\n' defFile += '/*! This method performs a complete reset of the module. Local module variables that retain\n' defFile += ' time varying states between function calls are reset to their default values.\n' defFile += ' Check if required input messages are connected.\n' defFile += ' @return void\n' defFile += ' @param configData The configuration data associated with the module\n' defFile += ' @param callTime [ns] time the method is called\n' defFile += ' @param moduleID The module identifier\n' defFile += '*/\n' defFile += f'void Reset_{name}({name}Config *configData, uint64_t callTime, int64_t moduleID)\n' defFile += '{\n' defFile += ' // check if the required message has not been connected\n' for msg in inMsgList: defFile += f' if (!{msg["type"]}_C_isLinked(&configData->{msg["var"]})) {{\n' defFile += f' _bskLog(configData->bskLogger, BSK_ERROR, "Error: {name}.{msg["var"]}' \ + ' was not connected.");\n' defFile += ' }\n' defFile += '}\n' defFile += '\n' defFile += '\n' defFile += '/*! Add a description of what this main Update() routine does for this module\n' defFile += ' @return void\n' defFile += ' @param configData The configuration data associated with the module\n' defFile += ' @param callTime The clock time at which the function was called (nanoseconds)\n' defFile += ' @param moduleID The module identifier\n' defFile += '*/\n' defFile += f'void Update_{name}({name}Config *configData, uint64_t callTime, int64_t moduleID)\n' defFile += '{\n' for msg in inMsgList + outMsgList: defFile += f' {msg["type"]}Payload {msg["var"]}Buffer; //!< local copy of message buffer\n' defFile += '\n' defFile += ' // always zero the output message buffers before assigning values\n' for msg in outMsgList: defFile += f' {msg["var"]}Buffer = {msg["type"]}_C_zeroMsgPayload();\n' defFile += '\n' defFile += ' // read in the input messages\n' for msg in inMsgList: defFile += f' {msg["var"]}Buffer = {msg["type"]}_C_read(&configData->{msg["var"]});\n' defFile += '\n' defFile += ' // do some math and stuff to populate the output messages\n' defFile += '\n' defFile += ' // write to the output messages\n' for msg in outMsgList: defFile += f' {msg["type"]}_C_write(&{msg["var"]}Buffer, &configData->{msg["var"]}, moduleID, callTime);\n' defFile += '}\n' defFile += '\n' with open(defFileName, 'w') as w: w.write(defFile) self.log("Done") # # make module swig interface file # swigFileName = f"{name}.i" self.log(f"{statusColor}Creating Swig Interface File {swigFileName}:{endColor}", end=" ") swigFile = licenseC swigFile += f'%module {name}\n' swigFile += '%{\n' swigFile += f' #include "{name}.h"\n' swigFile += '%}\n' swigFile += '\n' swigFile += '%pythoncode %{\n' swigFile += ' from Basilisk.architecture.swig_common_model import *\n' swigFile += '%}\n' swigFile += '%include "swig_c_wrap.i"\n' swigFile += f'%c_wrap({name});\n' swigFile += '\n' swigFile += f'%include "{name}.h"\n' swigFile += '\n' includedMsgs = [] for msg in inMsgList + outMsgList: # ensure we don't include message definition files multiple times if msg['type'] not in includedMsgs: if msg['wrap'] == 'C': swigFile += f'%include "architecture/msgPayloadDefC/{msg["type"]}Payload.h"\n' swigFile += f'struct {msg["type"]}_C;\n' if msg['wrap'] == 'C++': self.log(f"{failColor}ERROR: {endColor}you cannot swig a C++ message in a C module.") includedMsgs.append(msg['type']) swigFile += '\n' swigFile += '%pythoncode %{\n' swigFile += 'import sys\n' swigFile += 'protectAllClasses(sys.modules[__name__])\n' swigFile += '%}\n' swigFile += '\n' with open(swigFileName, 'w') as w: w.write(swigFile) self.log("Done") # make module definition file self.createRstFile() # make module unit test file self.createTestFile("C") os.chdir(initialCwd)
[docs] def fillCppInfo(module): """Fill in the C++ module information. This should be edited before running to meet the new module needs.""" # define the path where the Basilisk module folder will be module.modulePathRelSrc = os.path.join("moduleTemplates", "") # define module name and brief description module.moduleName = "autoCppModule" # should be lower camel case module.briefDescription = "This is an auto-created sample C++ module. The description is included with " \ "the module class definition" module.copyrightHolder = "Autonomous Vehicle Systems Lab, University of Colorado Boulder" # provide list of input messages # leave list empty if there are no input messages inMsgList = list() inMsgList.append({'type': 'AttRefMsg', 'var': 'someInMsg', 'desc': 'input msg description', 'wrap': 'C'}) inMsgList.append({'type': 'AttRefMsg', 'var': 'some2InMsg', 'desc': 'input msg description', 'wrap': 'C'}) inMsgList.append({'type': 'CSSConfigMsg', 'var': 'anotherInMsg', 'desc': 'input msg description', 'wrap': 'C'}) inMsgList.append({'type': 'CSSConfigLogMsg', 'var': 'anotherCppInMsg', 'desc': 'input msg description', 'wrap': 'C++'}) module.inMsgList = inMsgList # provide list of output messages # leave list empty if there are no input messages outMsgList = list() outMsgList.append({'type': 'AttRefMsg', 'var': 'some2OutMsg', 'desc': 'output msg description', 'wrap': 'C'}) outMsgList.append({'type': 'SCStatesMsg', 'var': 'someOutMsg', 'desc': 'output msg description', 'wrap': 'C'}) outMsgList.append({'type': 'RWConfigMsg', 'var': 'anotherCppOutMsg', 'desc': 'output msg description', 'wrap': 'C++'}) module.outMsgList = outMsgList # provide list of module variables # leave list empty if you are not setting up module variables at this stage variableList = list() variableList.append({'type': 'double', 'var': 'varDouble', 'desc': '[units] variable description'}) variableList.append({'type': 'int', 'var': 'varInt', 'desc': '[units] variable description'}) module.variableList = variableList
[docs] def fillCInfo(module): """Fill in the C module information. This should be edited before running to meet the new module needs.""" # define the path where the Basilisk module folder will be module.modulePathRelSrc = os.path.join("moduleTemplates", "") # define module name and brief description module.moduleName = "autoCModule" # should be lower camel case module.briefDescription = "This is an auto-created sample C module. The description is included with " \ "the module class definition" module.copyrightHolder = "Autonomous Vehicle Systems Lab, University of Colorado Boulder" # provide list of input messages # leave list empty if there are no input messages inMsgList = list() inMsgList.append({'type': 'AttRefMsg', 'var': 'someInMsg', 'desc': 'input msg description', 'wrap': 'C'}) inMsgList.append({'type': 'AttRefMsg', 'var': 'some2InMsg', 'desc': 'input msg description', 'wrap': 'C'}) inMsgList.append({'type': 'CSSConfigMsg', 'var': 'anotherInMsg', 'desc': 'input msg description', 'wrap': 'C'}) module.inMsgList = inMsgList # provide list of output messages # leave list empty if there are no input messages outMsgList = list() outMsgList.append({'type': 'AttRefMsg', 'var': 'some2OutMsg', 'desc': 'output msg description', 'wrap': 'C'}) outMsgList.append({'type': 'SCStatesMsg', 'var': 'someOutMsg', 'desc': 'output msg description', 'wrap': 'C'}) module.outMsgList = outMsgList # provide list of module variables # leave list empty if you are not setting up module variables at this stage variableList = list() variableList.append({'type': 'double', 'var': 'varDouble', 'desc': '[units] variable description'}) variableList.append({'type': 'int', 'var': 'varInt', 'desc': '[units] variable description'}) module.variableList = variableList
if __name__ == "__main__": makeModule = moduleGenerator() fillCppInfo(makeModule) makeModule.createCppModule() fillCInfo(makeModule) makeModule.createCModule()