Citation ======== If you use this code in your research, please cite the :download:`IAC 2024 conference paper <_static/stephenson_bskrl_2024.pdf>`. APA --- .. code-block:: M. Stephenson and H. Schaub, “BSK-RL: Modular, High-Fidelity Reinforcement Learning Environments for Spacecraft Tasking,” International Astronautical Congress, Milan, Italy, Oct. 14–18 2024. BibTeX ------ .. code-block:: @inproceedings{stephenson_bskrl_2024, title = {{{BSK-RL}}: {{Modular}}, {{High-Fidelity Reinforcement Learning Environments}} for {{Spacecraft Tasking}}}, booktitle = {75th {{International Astronautical Congress}}}, author = {Stephenson, Mark A and Schaub, Hanspeter}, year = {2024}, month = oct, publisher = {IAF}, address = {Milan, Italy}, langid = {english}, }