

  1. Install the Basilisk spacecraft simulation framework, following instructions for the appropriate operating system. Installation on MacOS and Linux is preferable to Windows. Use a Python virtual environment as suggested in the Basilisk installation instructions.

  2. Clone the BSK-RL repository.

    $ git clone
  3. Move to the base directory of the repository.

    $ cd bsk_rl
  4. Ensure that the virtual environment Basilisk is installed in is active. Install BSK-RL with the following command.

    (.venv) $ python -m pip install -e "." && finish_install

    The first half of this command will install pip dependencies and an editable copy of the BSK-RL package. finish_install downloads data dependencies and verifies the installation of Basilisk.

    For a more granular installation, .[docs] (for documentation dependencies) or .[rllib] (for RLlib tools) can be specified. .[all] installs all dependencies.

  5. Test the installation by running the unit tests and integration tests.

    (.venv) $ pytest tests/unittest
    (.venv) $ pytest tests/integration

    The installation can also be verified by running examples from the examples directory.

  6. To build documentation locally, run:

    (.venv) $ cd docs
    (.venv) $ make html
    (.venv) $ make view

Common Issues

Please report new installation issues on GitHub.

SPICE Errors

Errors such as

Toolkit version: N0065


The attempt to load
"/home/user/basilisk/dist3/Basilisk/supportData/EphemerisData/de430.bsp" by
the routine FURNSH failed. It could not be located.

A traceback follows. The name of the highest level module is first.
furnsh_c --> FURNSH --> ZZLDKER

can be resolved by ensuring that Basilisk is installed using git-lfs.