Module: lambertSolver

Executive Summary

This module solves Lambert’s problem using either the algorithm by R.H. Gooding (longer, extensive report available here ) or the algorithm by D. Izzo. Given two position vectors \(\mathbf{r}_{1}\) and \(\mathbf{r}_{2}\) as well as a requested time-of-flight \(t\), the solution to Lambert’s problem provides the corresponding velocity vectors v1_N and v2_N of the transfer orbit. The information about the type of algorithm (Gooding or Izzo), the position vectors, the time-of-flight as well as the number of complete revolutions around the central body, is provided by the LambertProblemMsgPayload input message. The velocity vectors are computed in the same frame as the input position vectors.

The algorithms by Gooding and Izzo provide solutions for elliptic, parabolic and hyperbolic transfer orbits. In the zero-revolution case, exactly one solution exists. In the multi-revolution case (meaning that the transfer orbit completes at least one complete revolution about the central body), either two or zero solutions exist, depending on whether the requested transfer time is greater or less than the minimum time-of-flight for the given number of revolutions. The LambertSolutionMsgPayload output message includes two solutions. If a solution does not exist, the corresponding velocity vectors in the message are equal to the zero vector, and the “validity” flag is equal to zero. Otherwise, the “validity” flag is set to 1.

Message Connection Descriptions

The following table lists all the module input and output messages. The module msg connection is set by the user from python. The msg type contains a link to the message structure definition, while the description provides information on what this message is used for.

Module I/O Messages

Msg Variable Name

Msg Type




lambert problem setup input message



lambert problem solution output message



lambert problem performance message (additional information about the solution process)

Module Assumptions and Limitations

The algorithms only compute solutions for a positive time-of-flight, and for positive transfer angles (meaning that the true anomaly of \(\mathbf{r}_{2}\) is greater than the true anomaly of \(\mathbf{r}_{1}\).

An edge case exists for a transfer angle of 0 or 180 degrees, as the two position vectors do not define a plane, so an infinite number of solutions exist. The module checks if the angle between the two position vectors is smaller than the threshold “alignmentThreshold”. In this case, the computed velocity vectors are set equal to the zero vector and the validity flag of the solution is set to zero.

While the module also works for parabolic transfer orbits, the solutions for orbits that are very close to - but not exactly - parabolic, may not be as accurate.

User Guide

The module is first initialized as follows:

lambertModule = lambertSolver.LambertSolver()
lambertModule.ModelTag = "lambertSolver"
lambertModule.setAlignmentThreshold(1.0) # module defaults this value to 1.0 degrees if not specified
unitTestSim.AddModelToTask(unitTaskName, lambertModule)

The lambert problem input message is either created as a standalone message in python

lambertProblemInMsgData = messaging.LambertProblemMsgPayload()
lambertProblemInMsgData.solverMethod = messaging.IZZO
lambertProblemInMsgData.r1_N = np.array([10000. * 1000, 0. ,0.])
lambertProblemInMsgData.r2_N = np.array([0., 8000. * 1000,0.])
lambertProblemInMsgData.transferTime = 10000. = 3.986004418e14
lambertProblemInMsgData.numRevolutions = 0
lambertProblemInMsg = messaging.LambertProblemMsg().write(lambertProblemInMsgData)

or obtained from another FSW module. The lambert problem input message is then connected.


class LambertSolver : public SysModel
#include <lambertSolver.h>

This module solves Lambert’s problem using either the Gooding or the Izzo algorithm.

Public Functions


This is the constructor for the module class. It sets default variable values and initializes the various parts of the model


Module Destructor

void Reset(uint64_t currentSimNanos) override

This method is used to reset the module and checks that required input messages are connected.


currentSimNanos – current simulation time in nano-seconds



void UpdateState(uint64_t currentSimNanos) override

This is the main method that gets called every time the module is updated. It computes the solution of Lambert’s problem.


currentSimNanos – current simulation time in nano-seconds



void setAlignmentThreshold(const double value)

setter for alignmentThreshold

inline double getlignmentThreshold() const

getter for alignmentThreshold

Public Members

ReadFunctor<LambertProblemMsgPayload> lambertProblemInMsg

lambert problem input message

Message<LambertSolutionMsgPayload> lambertSolutionOutMsg

lambert solution output message

Message<LambertPerformanceMsgPayload> lambertPerformanceOutMsg

lambert performance output message

BSKLogger bskLogger

BSK Logging.

Private Functions

void readMessages()

This method reads the input messages each call of updateState. It also checks if the message contents are valid for this module.



void writeMessages(uint64_t currentSimNanos)

This method writes the output messages each call of updateState


currentSimNanos – current simulation time in nano-seconds



void problemGeometry()

This method computes the problem geometry for the given parameters of Lambert’s problem. The orbit frame is also determined.



std::array<double, 2> goodingInitialGuess(double lambda, double T)

This method computes the initial guess for the free variable x using the Gooding procedure

  • lam – lambda parameter that defines the problem geometry

  • T – non-dimensional time-of-flight


std::array<double, 2>

std::array<double, 2> izzoInitialGuess(double lambda, double T)

This method computes the initial guess for the free variable x using the Izzo procedure

  • lam – lambda parameter that defines the problem geometry

  • T – non-dimensional time-of-flight


std::array<double, 2>

void findx()

This method finds the free variable x that satisfies the requested time of flight TOF.



std::array<Eigen::Vector3d, 2> computeVelocities(double x)

This method computes the velocities at the initial and final position for a given free variable x


x – free variable of Lambert’s problem that satisfies the given time of flight


std::array<Eigen::Vector3d, 2>

double x2tof(double x, int N, double lam)

This method computes the non-dimensional time of flight (TOF) for a given x

  • x – free variable of Lambert’s problem that satisfies the given time of flight

  • N – number of revolutions

  • lam – lambda parameter that defines the problem geometry



std::array<double, 3> dTdx(double x, double T, double lam)

This method computes the derivatives of the time of flight curve T(x)

  • x – free variable of Lambert’s problem that satisfies the given time of flight

  • T – requested non-dimensional time-of-flight

  • lam – lambda parameter that defines the problem geometry


std::array<double, 3>

std::array<double, 3> householder(double T, double x0, int N)

This method includes a 3rd order householder root-finder to find the free variable x that satisfies the time-of-flight constraint.

  • T – requested non-dimensional time-of-flight

  • x0 – initial guess for x free variable of Lambert’s problem that satisfies the given time of flight

  • N – number of revolutions


std::array<double, 3>

std::array<double, 3> halley(double T, double x0, int N)

This method includes a halley root-finder (2nd order householder) to find the free variable x that satisfies the time-of-flight constraint

  • T – requested non-dimensional time-of-flight

  • x0 – initial guess for x free variable of Lambert’s problem that satisfies the given time of flight

  • N – number of revolutions


std::array<double, 3>

double getTmin(double T0M, int N)

This method computes the minimum non-dimensional time-of-flight Tmin such that solutions exist for the multi-revolution case using a halley root-finder

  • T0M – initial guess for Tmin

  • N – number of revolutions



double hypergeometricF(double z)

This method computes the hypergeometric function 2F1(a,b,c,z)


z – argument of hypergeometric function



Private Members

double alignmentThreshold = 1.0

[deg] minimum angle between position vectors so they are not too aligned.

SolverMethod solverMethod

lambert solver algorithm (GOODING or IZZO)

Eigen::Vector3d r1_N

position vector at t0

Eigen::Vector3d r2_N

position vector at t1

double transferTime = {}

time of flight between r1_N and r2_N (t1-t0)

double mu = {}

gravitational parameter

int numberOfRevolutions = {}

number of revolutions

double TOF = {}

non-dimensional time-of-flight constraint

double lambda = {}

parameter of Lambert”s problem that defines problem geometry

bool multiRevSolution = {}

boolean flag if multi-revolution solutions exist or not

bool noSolution = {}

boolean flag if no solution should be returned (in case of 180 deg transfer angle)

std::array<Eigen::Vector3d, 3> Oframe1

array containing the orbit frame unit vectors at t0

std::array<Eigen::Vector3d, 3> Oframe2

array containing the orbit frame unit vectors at t1

std::array<Eigen::Vector3d, 2> vvecs

array containing the velocity vector solutions at t0 and t1

std::array<Eigen::Vector3d, 2> vvecsSol2

array containing the velocity vector solutions at t0 and t1 (sol 2)

double X = {}

solution for free variable of Lambert’s problem

double XSol2 = {}

second solution for free variable of Lambert’s problem

int numIter = {}

number of root finder iterations to find X

int numIterSol2 = {}

number of root finder iterations to find X_sol2

double errX = {}

difference in X between last and second-to-last iteration

double errXSol2 = {}

difference in X between last and second-to-last iteration (for X_sol2)