Module: orbElemConvert
Executive Summary
An orbital element/cartesian position and velocity converter.
The module PDF Description
contains further information on this module’s function, how to run it, as well as testing.
Message Connection Descriptions
The following table lists all the module input and output messages. The module msg variable name is set by the user from python. The msg type contains a link to the message structure definition, while the description provides information on what this message is used for.
Msg Variable Name |
Msg Type |
Description |
scStateInMsg |
Spacecraft state input message |
spiceStateInMsg |
Spice state input message |
elemInMsg |
classical orbit elements input message |
scStateOutMsg |
Spacecraft state output message |
spiceStateOutMsg |
Spice state output message |
elemOutMsg |
classical orbit elements output message |
Only one of the input messages can be connected at the same time. However, you can have 1 or more output message connected simultaneously.
class OrbElemConvert : public SysModel
- #include <orbElemConvert.h>
orbit element converter module class
Public Functions
The constructor. Note that you may want to overwrite the message names.
The destructor. So tired of typing this.
void Reset(uint64_t CurrentSimNanos)
This method is used to reset the module.
void UpdateState(uint64_t CurrentSimNanos)
This method is the main carrier for the conversion routine. If it detects that it needs to re-init (direction change maybe) it will re-init itself. The it either converts elements to cartesian or cartesian to elements.
- Parameters:
CurrentSimNanos – The current simulation time for system
void WriteOutputMessages(uint64_t CurrentClock)
This method writes the output data out into the messaging system. It does switch depending on whether it is outputting cartesian position/velocity or orbital elements.
- Parameters:
CurrentClock – The current time in the system for output stamping
void Elements2Cartesian()
The name kind of says it all right? Converts CurrentElem to pos/vel.
void Cartesian2Elements()
The name kind of says it all right? Converts pos/vel to CurrentElem.
void ReadInputs()
This method reads the input message in from the system and sets the appropriate parameters based on which direction the module is running
Public Members
double r_N[3]
m Current position vector (inertial)
double v_N[3]
m/s Current velocity vector (inertial)
double mu
— Current grav param (inertial)
ClassicElements CurrentElem
— Current orbital elements
SCStatesMsgPayload statesIn
— spacecraft state message
SpicePlanetStateMsgPayload planetIn
— planet state message
ReadFunctor<SCStatesMsgPayload> scStateInMsg
— sc state input message
ReadFunctor<SpicePlanetStateMsgPayload> spiceStateInMsg
— spice state input message
ReadFunctor<ClassicElementsMsgPayload> elemInMsg
— orbit element input message
Message<SCStatesMsgPayload> scStateOutMsg
— sc state output message
Message<SpicePlanetStateMsgPayload> spiceStateOutMsg
— spice state input message
Message<ClassicElementsMsgPayload> elemOutMsg
— orbit element output message