Module: extForceTorque
Executive Summary
Class used to provide a direct external force and torque on body. This class is used to simulate an external for or torque acting on the body. For example, this module can be used to simulate the external disturbance due to outgasing or a thruster, or be used to directly apply requested control forces or torques.
The module
PDF Description
contains further information on this module’s function,
how to run it, as well as testing.
Message Connection Descriptions
The following table lists all the module input and output messages. The module msg connection is set by the user from python. The msg type contains a link to the message structure definition, while the description provides information on what this message is used for.
Msg Variable Name |
Msg Type |
Description |
cmdTorqueInMsg |
commanded torque input msg |
cmdForceBodyInMsg |
commanded force input msg in B frame |
cmdForceInertialInMsg |
commanded force input msg in N frame |
class ExtForceTorque : public SysModel, public DynamicEffector
- #include <extForceTorque.h>
external force and torque dynamic efector class
Public Functions
This is the constructor. It sets some default initializers that can be overriden by the user.
The destructor. Nothing of note is performed here
void Reset(uint64_t CurrentSimNanos)
This method is used to reset the module.
void UpdateState(uint64_t CurrentSimNanos)
class method
void linkInStates(DynParamManager &statesIn)
class method
void writeOutputMessages(uint64_t currentClock)
class method
This module does not write any output messages.
- Parameters:
currentClock – The current time used for time-stamping the message
void readInputMessages()
This method is used to read the incoming message and set the associated buffer structure.
void computeForceTorque(double integTime, double timeStep)
This method is used to compute the RHS forces and torques. Note: the module can set any of these three vecors, or a subset. Regarding the external force, the matrix representations in the body (B) and inerial (N) frame components are treated as 2 separate vectors. Only set both if you mean to, as both vectors will be included.
Public Members
Eigen::Vector3d extForce_N
[N] external force in inertial frame components
Eigen::Vector3d extForce_B
[N] external force in body frame components
Eigen::Vector3d extTorquePntB_B
[Nm] external torque in body frame components
BSKLogger bskLogger
— BSK Logging
ReadFunctor<CmdTorqueBodyMsgPayload> cmdTorqueInMsg
commanded torque input msg
ReadFunctor<CmdForceBodyMsgPayload> cmdForceBodyInMsg
commanded force input msg in B frame
ReadFunctor<CmdForceInertialMsgPayload> cmdForceInertialInMsg
commanded force input msg in N frame
Private Members
CmdTorqueBodyMsgPayload incomingCmdTorqueBuffer
— One-time allocation for savings
CmdForceInertialMsgPayload incomingCmdForceInertialBuffer
— One-time allocation for savings
CmdForceBodyMsgPayload incomingCmdForceBodyBuffer
— One-time allocation for savings