Module: facetDragDynamicEffector
Executive Summary
Drag dynamics class used to compute drag effects on spacecraft bodies
This class is used to implement drag dynamic effects on spacecraft using a variety of simple or complex models, which will include
cannonball (attitude-independent) drag, single flat-plate drag, faceted drag models, and an interface to full-CAD GPU-accellerated
drag models.
For more information see the
PDF Description
Message Connection Descriptions
The following table lists all the module input and output messages. The module msg variable name is set by the user from python. The msg type contains a link to the message structure definition, while the description provides information on what this message is used for.
Msg Variable Name |
Msg Type |
Description |
atmoDensInMsg |
input message for atmospheric density information |
struct SpacecraftGeometryData
- #include <facetDragDynamicEffector.h>
spacecraft geometry data
class FacetDragDynamicEffector : public SysModel, public DynamicEffector
- #include <facetDragDynamicEffector.h>
faceted atmospheric drag dynamic effector
Public Functions
The destructor.
void linkInStates(DynParamManager &states)
This method is used to link the dragEffector to the hub attitude and velocity, which are required for calculating drag forces and torques.
- Parameters:
states – dynamic parameter states
void computeForceTorque(double integTime, double timeStep)
This method computes the body forces and torques for the dragEffector in a simulation loop, selecting the model type based on the settable attribute “modelType.”
void Reset(uint64_t CurrentSimNanos)
class method
void UpdateState(uint64_t CurrentSimNanos)
This method is called to update the local atmospheric conditions at each timestep. Naturally, this means that conditions are held piecewise-constant over an integration step.
- Parameters:
CurrentSimNanos – The current simulation time in nanoseconds
void WriteOutputMessages(uint64_t CurrentClock)
The DragEffector does not write output messages to the rest of the sim.
bool ReadInputs()
This method is used to read the incoming density message and update the internal density/ atmospheric data.
void addFacet(double area, double dragCoeff, Eigen::Vector3d B_normal_hat, Eigen::Vector3d B_location)
add a facet
- Parameters:
area –
dragCoeff –
B_normal_hat –
B_location –
Public Members
uint64_t numFacets
number of facets
ReadFunctor<AtmoPropsMsgPayload> atmoDensInMsg
atmospheric density input message
Eigen::Vector3d v_B
m/s local variable to hold the inertial velocity
Eigen::Vector3d v_hat_B
class variable
BSKLogger bskLogger
— BSK Logging
Private Functions
void plateDrag()
This method WILL implement a more complex flat-plate aerodynamics model with attitude dependence and lift forces.
void updateDragDir()
This method updates the internal drag direction based on the spacecraft velocity vector.
Private Members
AtmoPropsMsgPayload atmoInData
SpacecraftGeometryData scGeometry
— Struct to hold spacecraft facet data