Source code for test_imu_sensor

# ISC License
# Copyright (c) 2016, Autonomous Vehicle Systems Lab, University of Colorado at Boulder
# Permission to use, copy, modify, and/or distribute this software for any
# purpose with or without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above
# copyright notice and this permission notice appear in all copies.

#   IMU Unit Test
#   Purpose:  Test IMU functions
#   Author:  Scott Carnahan
#   Creation Date:  September 14, 2017

# import pytest
import inspect
import os

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
import pytest

filename = inspect.getframeinfo(inspect.currentframe()).filename
path = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(filename))

from Basilisk.utilities import SimulationBaseClass
from Basilisk.utilities import unitTestSupport
from Basilisk.utilities import macros
from Basilisk.simulation import imuSensor
from Basilisk.utilities import RigidBodyKinematics as rbk
from Basilisk.architecture import messaging

def addTimeColumn(time, data):
    return np.transpose(np.vstack([[time], np.transpose(data)]))

# methods
def v3vTmult(v1,v2):
    output = [[0,0,0],[0,0,0],[0,0,0]]
    for i in range(0,3):
        for j in range(0,3):
            output[i][j] = v1[i] * v2[j]
    return output

def skew(vector):
    vector = np.array(vector)
    skew_symmetric = np.array([[0, -vector.item(2), vector.item(1)],
                     [vector.item(2), 0, -vector.item(0)],
                     [-vector.item(1), vector.item(0), 0]])
    return skew_symmetric

def findSigmaDot(sigma, omega):
    sigmaMag = np.linalg.norm(sigma)
    B1 = 1 - sigmaMag ** 2
    BI = np.identity(3)
    sigmaTilde = skew(sigma)
    B2 =, sigmaTilde)
    B3 =, v3vTmult(sigma, sigma))
    B =, BI) + B2 + B3
    sigmaDot =,, omega))
    return sigmaDot

def setRandomWalk(self,senRotNoiseStd = 0.0,senTransNoiseStd = 0.0,errorBoundsGyro = [1e6] * 3,errorBoundsAccel = [1e6] * 3):
    # sets the random walk for IRU module
    self.PMatrixAccel = np.eye(3) * senRotNoiseStd
    self.walkBoundsAccel = np.array(errorBoundsAccel)
    self.PMatrixGyro = np.eye(3) * senTransNoiseStd
    self.walkBoundsGyro = np.array(errorBoundsGyro)

# uncomment this line is this test is to be skipped in the global unit test run, adjust message as needed
# @pytest.mark.skipif(conditionstring)
# uncomment this line if this test has an expected failure, adjust message as needed

#The following tests are parameterized and run:
# noise - clean plus some noise - test std dev
# error bounds

# The following 'parametrize' function decorator provides the parameters and expected results for each
#   of the multiple test runs for this test.
[docs] @pytest.mark.parametrize("show_plots, testCase, stopTime, procRate, gyroLSBIn, accelLSBIn, senRotMaxIn, senTransMaxIn, senRotNoiseStd, senTransNoiseStd, errorBoundsGyroIn, errorBoundsAccelIn, senRotBiasIn, senTransBiasIn, accuracy", [ (False, 'clean', 1.0, 0.01, 0.0, 0.0, 1000., 1000., 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0., 0., 1e-8), (False, 'noise', 1.0, 0.001, 0.0, 0.0, 1000., 1000., .1, .1, 0.1, 0.1, 0.0, 0.0, 1e-1), (False, 'bias', 1.0, 0.01, 0.0, 0.0, 1000., 1000., 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 10., 10., 1e-8), (False, 'saturation', 1.0, 0.01, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 5.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1e-8), (False, 'discretization',1., 0.01, 0.05, 0.5, 100., 1000., 0.0, 0.0, 1e6, 1e6, 0.0, 0.0, 1e-8), ]) # provide a unique test method name, starting with test_ def test_unitSimIMU(show_plots, testCase, stopTime, procRate, gyroLSBIn, accelLSBIn, senRotMaxIn, senTransMaxIn, senRotNoiseStd, senTransNoiseStd, errorBoundsGyroIn, errorBoundsAccelIn, senRotBiasIn, senTransBiasIn, accuracy): """Module Unit Test""" # each test method requires a single assert method to be called [testResults, testMessage] = unitSimIMU(show_plots, testCase, stopTime, procRate, gyroLSBIn, accelLSBIn, senRotMaxIn, senTransMaxIn, senRotNoiseStd, senTransNoiseStd, errorBoundsGyroIn, errorBoundsAccelIn, senRotBiasIn, senTransBiasIn, accuracy) assert testResults < 1, testMessage
def unitSimIMU(show_plots, testCase, stopTime, procRate, gyroLSBIn, accelLSBIn, senRotMaxIn, senTransMaxIn, senRotNoiseStd, senTransNoiseStd, errorBoundsGyroIn, errorBoundsAccelIn, senRotBiasIn, senTransBiasIn, accuracy): testFailCount = 0 # zero unit test result counter testMessages = [] # create empty array to store test log messages unitTaskName = "unitTask" # arbitrary name (don't change) unitProcName = "TestProcess" # arbitrary name (don't change) # initialize SimulationBaseClass unitSim = SimulationBaseClass.SimBaseClass() # create the task and specify the integration update time unitProcRate_s = procRate unitProcRate = macros.sec2nano(unitProcRate_s) unitProc = unitSim.CreateNewProcess(unitProcName) unitTask = unitSim.CreateNewTask(unitTaskName, unitProcRate) unitProc.addTask(unitTask) # Set-up the fake kinematics vectors # Note: No conservative accelerations are used in this test # center of mass rDotDot_CN_N = np.resize(np.array([0., 0., 0.]),(int(stopTime/unitProcRate_s+1),3)) #acceleration of center of mass wrt inertial frame rDotDot_CB_N = np.resize(np.array([0., 0., 0.]),(int(stopTime/unitProcRate_s+1),3)) #acceleration of center of mass wrt body frame rDot_CN_N = np.resize(np.array([0., 0., 0.]),(int(stopTime/unitProcRate_s+1),3)) #velocity of center of mass wrt inertial frame r_CN_N = np.resize(np.array([0., 0., 0.]),(int(stopTime/unitProcRate_s+1),3)) #position of center of mass wrt to inertial frame # body frame rDotDot_BN_N = np.resize(np.array([0., 0., 0.]),(int(stopTime/unitProcRate_s+1),3)) # acceleration of body frame wrt to inertial rDot_BN_N = np.resize(np.array([0., 0., 0.]),(int(stopTime/unitProcRate_s+1),3)) #velocity of body frame wrt to inertial r_BN_N = np.resize(np.array([0., 0., 0.]),(int(stopTime/unitProcRate_s+1),3)) #position of body frame wrt to inertial omegaDot_BN_N = np.resize(np.array([0., 0., 0.]),(int(stopTime/unitProcRate_s+1),3)) #angular acceleration of body frame wrt to inertial omega_BN_N = np.resize(np.array([0., 0., 0.]),(int(stopTime/unitProcRate_s+1),3)) # angular rate of body frame wrt to inertial sigmaDot_BN = np.resize(np.array([0., 0., 0.]),(int(stopTime/unitProcRate_s+1),3)) #MRP derivative, body wrt to inertial sigma_BN = np.resize(np.array([0., 0., 0.]),(int(stopTime/unitProcRate_s+1),3)) # MRP body wrt to inertial # sensor rDotDot_SN_N = np.resize(np.array([0., 0., 0.]),(int(stopTime/unitProcRate_s+1),3)) #sensor sensed acceleration rDot_SN_N = np.resize(np.array([0., 0., 0.]),(int(stopTime/unitProcRate_s+1),3)) #sensor accumulated DV r_SN_N = np.resize(np.array([0., 0., 0.]),(int(stopTime/unitProcRate_s+1),3)) #sensor position in body frame coordinates # Set initial conditions for fake kinematics vectors # Acceleration vectors dataRows= np.shape(rDotDot_CN_N)[0] for i in range(0, dataRows): #loops through acceleration vectors so that each element can be set individually (or, hopefully, as a function) rDotDot_BN_N[i][0] = 1. rDotDot_BN_N[i][1] = 1. rDotDot_BN_N[i][2] = 1. rDotDot_CB_N[i][0] = 0.05 rDotDot_CB_N[i][1] = 0.07 rDotDot_CB_N[i][2] = 0.06 rDotDot_CN_N[i][0] = rDotDot_BN_N[i][0] + rDotDot_CB_N[i][0] rDotDot_CN_N[i][1] = rDotDot_BN_N[i][1] + rDotDot_CB_N[i][1] rDotDot_CN_N[i][2] = rDotDot_BN_N[i][2] + rDotDot_CB_N[i][2] omegaDot_BN_N[i][0] = 1. omegaDot_BN_N[i][1] = 1.5 omegaDot_BN_N[i][2] = 1.25 # Center of Mass rDot_CN_N[0][:] = [0.05, 0.07, 0.08] r_CN_N[0][:] = [10000.5, 10000.7, 10000.5] # Some arbitrary location in space # Body Frame Origin rDot_BN_N[0][:] = [0.1, 0.2, -0.1] r_BN_N[0][:] = [10000., 10000., 10000.] # leaves r_CN_N[0][i] with some offset # Body Rotation omega_BN_N[0][:] = [0.0, 0.15, 0.1] #omega_BN_N sigma_BN[0][:] = [0.25, 0.1, 0.03] # note that unlabeled sigma is sigma_BN # Sensor linear states (note that these initial conditions must be solved as functions of another initial conditions to maintain consistency r_SB_B = np.array([1.0, 1.0, 2.0]) #constant. sensor position wrt to body frame origin cDotDot_N = rDotDot_CN_N[0][:] - rDotDot_BN_N[0][:] cDot_N = rDot_CN_N[0][:] - rDot_BN_N[0][:] c_N = r_CN_N[0][:] - r_BN_N[0][:] cPrime_N = cDot_N - np.cross(omega_BN_N[0][:], c_N) cPrimePrime_N = cDotDot_N -, np.cross(omega_BN_N[0][:], cPrime_N)) - np.cross(omegaDot_BN_N[0][:], c_N) - np.cross(omega_BN_N[0][:], np.cross(omega_BN_N[0][:], c_N)) dcm_BN = rbk.MRP2C(sigma_BN[0][:]) dcm_NB = np.transpose(dcm_BN) sigmaDot_BN[0][:] = findSigmaDot(sigma_BN[0][:],, omega_BN_N[0][:])) # sigmaDot_BN r_SB_N =, r_SB_B) r_SC_N = r_BN_N[0][:] + r_SB_N - r_CN_N[0][:] rDotDot_SN_N[0][:] = rDotDot_CN_N[0][:] - cPrimePrime_N -, np.cross(omega_BN_N[0][:], cPrime_N)) + np.cross(omegaDot_BN_N[0][:], r_SC_N) + np.cross(omega_BN_N[0][:], np.cross(omega_BN_N[0][:], r_SC_N)) rDot_SN_N[0][:] = rDot_CN_N[0][:] - cPrime_N + np.cross(omega_BN_N[0][:], r_SC_N) r_SN_N[0][:] = r_SB_N + r_BN_N[0][:] #Sensor Setup ImuSensor = imuSensor.ImuSensor() ImuSensor.ModelTag = "imusensor" ImuSensor.sensorPos_B = np.array(r_SB_B) #must be set by user - no default. check if this works by giving an array - SJKC yaw = 0.7854 #should be given as parameter [rad] pitch = 1.0 # [rad] roll = 0.1 # [rad] dcm_PB = rbk.euler3212C([yaw,pitch,roll]) #done separately as a dcm_PN =, dcm_BN) ImuSensor.setBodyToPlatformDCM(yaw, pitch, roll) # done separately as a check errorBoundsGyro = [errorBoundsGyroIn] * 3 errorBoundsAccel = [errorBoundsAccelIn] * 3 setRandomWalk(ImuSensor, senRotNoiseStd, senTransNoiseStd, errorBoundsGyro, errorBoundsAccel) ImuSensor.setLSBs(accelLSBIn, gyroLSBIn) ImuSensor.senRotBias = np.array([senRotBiasIn] * 3) ImuSensor.senTransBias = np.array([senTransBiasIn] * 3) ImuSensor.senTransMax = senTransMaxIn ImuSensor.senRotMax = senRotMaxIn accelScale = [2.,2.,2.] gyroScale = [1.,1.,1.] ImuSensor.accelScale = np.array(accelScale) ImuSensor.gyroScale = np.array(gyroScale) accel_SN_P_disc = np.array([0., 0., 0.]) omega_SN_P_disc = np.array([0., 0., 0.]) # Set-up the sensor output truth vectors rDotDot_SN_P = np.resize(np.array([0., 0., 0.]), (int(stopTime/unitProcRate_s+1), 3)) # sensor sensed acceleration in sensor platform frame coordinates rDotDot_SN_P[0][:] =, rDotDot_SN_N[0][:]) DVAccum_SN_P = np.resize(np.array([0., 0., 0.]), (int(stopTime/unitProcRate_s+1), 3)) # sensor accumulated delta V ouput in the platform frame stepPRV_PN = np.resize(np.array([0., 0., 0.]), (int(stopTime/unitProcRate_s+1), 3)) # principal rotatation vector from time i-1 to time i in platform frame coordinates omega_PN_P = np.resize(np.array([0., 0., 0.]), (int(stopTime/unitProcRate_s+1), 3)) # angular rate omega_BN_P = omega_PN_P omega_PN_P[0][:] =, omega_BN_N[0][:]) # configure spacecraft dummy message - Need to convert to B frame here first StateCurrent = messaging.SCStatesMsgPayload() StateCurrent.sigma_BN = sigma_BN[0][:] StateCurrent.omega_BN_B =, omega_BN_N[0][:]) #1 rpm around each axis StateCurrent.nonConservativeAccelpntB_B =, rDotDot_BN_N[0][:]) StateCurrent.omegaDot_BN_B =, omegaDot_BN_N[0][:]) StateCurrent.TotalAccumDV_BN_B = np.array([0., 0., 0.]) # add module to the task unitSim.AddModelToTask(unitTaskName, ImuSensor) # configure inertial_state_output message scStateMsg = messaging.SCStatesMsg().write(StateCurrent) ImuSensor.scStateInMsg.subscribeTo(scStateMsg) # log module output message dataLog = ImuSensor.sensorOutMsg.recorder() unitSim.AddModelToTask(unitTaskName, dataLog) unitSim.InitializeSimulation() # loop through ExecuteSimulation() and propagate sigma, omega, DV dt = unitProcRate_s for i in range(1,int(stopTime/dt)+1): # Step through the sim unitSim.ConfigureStopTime(macros.sec2nano(unitProcRate_s*i)) unitSim.ExecuteSimulation() # attitude kinematics omega_BN_N[i][:] = omega_BN_N[i-1][:] + ((omegaDot_BN_N[i-1][:] + omegaDot_BN_N[i][:])/2)*dt # iterate on sigma/sigmaDot sigmaDot_BN[i][:] = sigmaDot_BN[i-1][:] for j in range(0,10): #Seems to converge after a few iterations sigma_BN[i][:] = sigma_BN[i-1][:] + ((sigmaDot_BN[i-1][:]+sigmaDot_BN[i][:])/2)*dt dcm_BN_2 = rbk.MRP2C(sigma_BN[i][:]) sigmaDot_BN[i][:] = findSigmaDot(sigma_BN[i][:],, omega_BN_N[i][:])) sigma_BN[i][:] = sigma_BN[i-1][:] + ((sigmaDot_BN[i-1][:]+sigmaDot_BN[i][:])/2)*dt dcm_BN_2 = rbk.MRP2C(sigma_BN[i][:]) dcm_NB = np.transpose(dcm_BN_2) r_SB_N =, r_SB_B) # linear kinematcs rDot_CN_N[i][:] = rDot_CN_N[i-1][:] + ((rDotDot_CN_N[i-1][:] + rDotDot_CN_N[i][:])/2)*dt r_CN_N[i][:] = r_CN_N[i-1][:] + ((rDot_CN_N[i-1][:] + rDot_CN_N[i][:])/2)*dt rDot_BN_N[i][:] = rDot_BN_N[i-1][:] + ((rDotDot_BN_N[i-1][:] + rDotDot_BN_N[i][:])/2)*dt r_BN_N[i][:] = r_BN_N[i-1][:] + ((rDot_BN_N[i-1][:] + rDot_BN_N[i][:])/2)*dt cDotDot_N = rDotDot_CN_N[i][:] - rDotDot_BN_N[i][:] cDot_N = rDot_CN_N[i][:] - rDot_BN_N[i][:] c_N = r_CN_N[i][:] - r_BN_N[i][:] # center of mass calculations cPrime_N = cDot_N - np.cross(omega_BN_N[i][:], c_N) cPrimePrime_N = cDotDot_N -,np.cross(omega_BN_N[i][:], cPrime_N)) - np.cross(omegaDot_BN_N[i][:],c_N)-np.cross(omega_BN_N[i][:],np.cross(omega_BN_N[i][:],c_N)) r_SC_N = r_BN_N[i][:] + r_SB_N - r_CN_N[i][:] # solving for sensor inertial states rDotDot_SN_N[i][:] = rDotDot_CN_N[i][:] - cPrimePrime_N -,np.cross(omega_BN_N[i][:],cPrime_N)) + np.cross(omegaDot_BN_N[i][:],r_SC_N) +np.cross(omega_BN_N[i][:],np.cross(omega_BN_N[i][:],r_SC_N)) rDot_SN_N[i][:] = rDot_CN_N[i][:] - cPrime_N + np.cross(omega_BN_N[i][:],r_SC_N) # Now create outputs which are (supposed to be) equivalent to the IMU output # linear acceleration (non-conservative) in platform frame dcm_BN_1 = rbk.MRP2C(sigma_BN[i-1][:]) dcm_PN_2 =, dcm_BN_2) dcm_PN_1 =, dcm_BN_1) dcm_NP_1 = np.transpose(dcm_PN_1) dcm_PN_21 =, dcm_NP_1) rDotDot_SN_P[i][:] = np.multiply(, rDotDot_SN_N[i][:]) + senTransBiasIn, accelScale) #This should match trueValues.AccelPlatform # accumulated delta v (non-conservative) in platform frame DVAccum_SN_P[i][:] = np.multiply(, rDot_SN_N[i][:] - rDot_SN_N[i-1][:]) + senTransBiasIn*dt, accelScale) # find PRV between before and now stepPRV_PN[i][:] = np.multiply(rbk.MRP2PRV(rbk.C2MRP(dcm_PN_21)) + senRotBiasIn*dt, gyroScale) # angular rate in platform frame omega_PN_P[i][:] = np.multiply(, omega_BN_N[i][:]) + senRotBiasIn, gyroScale) # # #discretization if accelLSBIn > 0.0: for k in [0,1,2]: accel_SN_P_disc[k] = np.floor(np.abs(rDotDot_SN_P[i][k] / accelLSBIn)) * accelLSBIn * np.sign(rDotDot_SN_P[i][k]) accelDiscError = rDotDot_SN_P[i][:] - accel_SN_P_disc rDotDot_SN_P[i][:] = accel_SN_P_disc DVAccum_SN_P[i][:] -= accelDiscError * dt if gyroLSBIn > 0.0: for k in [0,1,2]: omega_SN_P_disc[k] = np.floor(np.abs(omega_PN_P[i][k] / gyroLSBIn)) * gyroLSBIn * np.sign(omega_PN_P[i][k]) omegaDiscError = omega_PN_P[i][:] - omega_SN_P_disc omega_PN_P[i][:] = omega_SN_P_disc stepPRV_PN[i][:] -= omegaDiscError * dt #saturation for k in [0,1,2]: if omega_PN_P[i][k] > senRotMaxIn: omega_PN_P[i][k] = senRotMaxIn stepPRV_PN[i][k] = senRotMaxIn*dt elif omega_PN_P[i][k] < -senRotMaxIn: omega_PN_P[i][k] = -senRotMaxIn stepPRV_PN[i][k] = -senRotMaxIn*dt if rDotDot_SN_P[i][k] > senTransMaxIn: rDotDot_SN_P[i][k] = senTransMaxIn DVAccum_SN_P[i][k] = rDotDot_SN_P[i][k] * dt elif rDotDot_SN_P[i][k] < -senTransMaxIn: rDotDot_SN_P[i][k] = -senTransMaxIn DVAccum_SN_P[i][k] = rDotDot_SN_P[i][k] * dt #Now update spacecraft states for the IMU: StateCurrent = messaging.SCStatesMsgPayload() StateCurrent.sigma_BN = sigma_BN[i][:] StateCurrent.omega_BN_B =, omega_BN_N[i][:]) StateCurrent.nonConservativeAccelpntB_B =, rDotDot_BN_N[i][:]) StateCurrent.omegaDot_BN_B =, omegaDot_BN_N[i][:]) StateCurrent.TotalAccumDV_BN_B =, rDot_BN_N[i][:] - rDot_BN_N[0][:]) scStateMsg.write(StateCurrent, unitSim.TotalSim.CurrentNanos) # Pull output time histories from messaging system DRout = dataLog.DRFramePlatform omegaOut = dataLog.AngVelPlatform rDotDotOut = dataLog.AccelPlatform DVout = dataLog.DVFramePlatform # truth/output comparison plots and AutoTex output time = dataLog.times()/1e9 plt.figure(1,figsize=(7, 5), dpi=80, facecolor='w', edgecolor='k') plt.clf() plt.plot(time, DRout[0:,0], linewidth = 6, color = 'black', label = "output1") plt.plot(time, stepPRV_PN[:,0], linestyle = '--', color = 'cyan', label = "truth1") plt.plot(time, DRout[0:,1], linewidth = 4, color = 'black', label = "output2") plt.plot(time, stepPRV_PN[:,1], linestyle = '--', color = 'cyan', label = "truth2") plt.plot(time, DRout[0:,2], linewidth = 2, color = 'black', label = "output3") plt.plot(time, stepPRV_PN[:,2], linestyle = '--', color = 'cyan', label = "truth3") plt.xlabel("Time[s]") plt.ylabel("Time Step PRV Component Magnitude [rad]") plt.title("PRV Comparison") myLegend = plt.legend() myLegend.get_frame().set_facecolor('#909090') unitTestSupport.writeFigureLaTeX(testCase + "PRVcomparison", 'Plot Comparing Time Step PRV Truth and Output for test: ' + testCase +'. Note that 1, 2, and 3 indicate the components of the principal rotation vector.', plt, 'height=0.7\\textwidth, keepaspectratio', path) plt.figure(4,figsize=(7, 5), dpi=80, facecolor='w', edgecolor='k') plt.clf() plt.plot(time, omegaOut[:,0], linewidth = 6, color = 'black', label = "output1") plt.plot(time, omega_PN_P[:,0], linestyle = '--', color = 'cyan', label = "truth1") plt.plot(time, omegaOut[:,1], linewidth = 4, color = 'black', label = "output2") plt.plot(time, omega_PN_P[:,1], linestyle = '--', color = 'cyan', label = "truth2") plt.plot(time, omegaOut[:,2], linewidth = 2, color = 'black', label = "output3") plt.plot(time, omega_PN_P[:,2], linestyle = '--', color = 'cyan', label = "truth3") plt.xlabel("Time[s]") plt.ylabel("Angular Rate Component Magnitudes [rad/s]") plt.title("Angular Rate Comparison") myLegend = plt.legend() myLegend.get_frame().set_facecolor('#909090') unitTestSupport.writeFigureLaTeX(testCase + "omegaComparison", 'Plot Comparing Angular Rate Truth and Output for test: ' + testCase +'. Note that 1, 2, and 3 indicate the components of the angular rate.', plt, 'height=0.7\\textwidth, keepaspectratio', path) plt.figure(7,figsize=(7, 5), dpi=80, facecolor='w', edgecolor='k') plt.clf() plt.plot(time, rDotDotOut[:,0], linewidth = 6, color = 'black', label = "output1") plt.plot(time, rDotDot_SN_P[:,0], linestyle = '--', color = 'cyan', label = "truth1") plt.plot(time, rDotDotOut[:,1], linewidth = 4, color = 'black', label = "output2") plt.plot(time, rDotDot_SN_P[:,1], linestyle = '--', color = 'cyan', label = "truth2") plt.plot(time, rDotDotOut[:,2], linewidth = 2, color = 'black', label = "output3") plt.plot(time, rDotDot_SN_P[:,2], linestyle = '--', color = 'cyan', label = "truth3") plt.xlabel("Time[s]") plt.ylabel("Linear Acceleration Component Magnitudes [m/s/s]") plt.title("Acceleration Comparison") myLegend = plt.legend() myLegend.get_frame().set_facecolor('#909090') unitTestSupport.writeFigureLaTeX(testCase + "accelComparison", 'Plot Comparing Sensor Linear Accelertaion Truth and Output for test: ' + testCase +'. Note that 1, 2, and 3 indicate the components of the acceleration.', plt, 'height=0.7\\textwidth, keepaspectratio', path) plt.figure(10,figsize=(7, 5), dpi=80, facecolor='w', edgecolor='k') plt.clf() plt.plot(time, DVout[:,0], linewidth = 6, color = 'black', label = "output1") plt.plot(time, DVAccum_SN_P[:,0], linestyle = '--', color = 'cyan', label = "truth1") plt.plot(time, DVout[:,1], linewidth = 4, color = 'black', label = "output2") plt.plot(time, DVAccum_SN_P[:,1], linestyle = '--', color = 'cyan', label = "truth2") plt.plot(time, DVout[:,2], linewidth = 2, color = 'black', label = "output3") plt.plot(time, DVAccum_SN_P[:,2], linestyle = '--', color = 'cyan', label = "truth3") plt.xlabel("Time[s]") plt.ylabel("Step DV Magnitudes [m/s]") plt.title("DV Comparison") myLegend = plt.legend() myLegend.get_frame().set_facecolor('#909090') unitTestSupport.writeFigureLaTeX(testCase + "DVcomparison", 'Plot Comparing Time Step DV Truth and Output for test: ' + testCase +'. Note that 1, 2, and 3 indicate the components of the velocity delta.', plt, 'height=0.7\\textwidth, keepaspectratio', path) if show_plots and testCase != "noise": plt.close('all') # test outputs if testCase != 'noise': for i in range(2,len(stepPRV_PN)-1): if not unitTestSupport.isArrayEqualRelative(DRout[i+1][:], stepPRV_PN[i][:], 3, accuracy): testMessages.append("FAILED DR @ i = "+ str(i) + ". \\\\& &") testFailCount += 1 if not unitTestSupport.isArrayEqualRelative(omegaOut[i+1][:], omega_PN_P[i][:], 3, accuracy): testMessages.append("FAILED OMEGA @ i = "+ str(i) + ". \\\\& &") testFailCount += 1 if not (testCase == "discretization" and (i == 572 or i == 934)): if not unitTestSupport.isArrayEqualRelative(DVout[i+1][:], DVAccum_SN_P[i][:], 3, accuracy): testMessages.append("FAILED DV @ i = " + str(i) + ". \\\\& &") testFailCount += 1 if not unitTestSupport.isArrayEqualRelative(rDotDotOut[i+1][:], rDotDot_SN_P[i][:], 3, accuracy): testMessages.append("FAILED ACCEL @ i = " + str(i) + ". \\\\& &") testFailCount += 1 else: DRout = addTimeColumn(dataLog.times(), DRout)[1:,] rDotDotOut = addTimeColumn(dataLog.times(), rDotDotOut)[1:,] DVout = addTimeColumn(dataLog.times(), DVout)[1:,] omegaOut = addTimeColumn(dataLog.times(), omegaOut)[1:,] DRoutNoise = np.zeros((np.shape(DRout)[0], np.shape(DRout)[1]-1)) for i in range(3,len(stepPRV_PN)-1): for j in [0,1,2]: DRoutNoise[i][j] = DRout[i][j+1] - stepPRV_PN[i+1][j] rDotDotOutNoise = np.zeros((np.shape(DRout)[0], np.shape(DRout)[1] - 1)) for i in range(3, len(stepPRV_PN) - 1): for j in [0, 1, 2]: rDotDotOutNoise[i, j] = rDotDotOut[i, j+1] - rDotDot_SN_P[i+1, j] DVoutNoise = np.zeros((np.shape(DRout)[0], np.shape(DRout)[1] - 1)) for i in range(3, len(stepPRV_PN) - 1): for j in [0, 1, 2]: DVoutNoise[i, j] = DVout[i, j + 1] - DVAccum_SN_P[i + 1, j] omegaOutNoise = np.zeros((np.shape(DRout)[0], np.shape(DRout)[1] - 1)) for i in range(3, len(stepPRV_PN)-1): for j in [0, 1, 2]: omegaOutNoise[i, j] = omegaOut[i, j + 1] - omega_PN_P[i + 1, j] if not unitTestSupport.isDoubleEqualRelative(np.std(DRoutNoise[:,0]),senRotNoiseStd*dt/1.5,accuracy): testMessages.append(("FAILED DRnoise1. \\\\& &")) testFailCount += 1 if not unitTestSupport.isDoubleEqualRelative(np.std(DRoutNoise[:,1]),senRotNoiseStd*dt/1.5,accuracy): testMessages.append(("FAILED DRnoise2. \\\\& &")) testFailCount += 1 if not unitTestSupport.isDoubleEqualRelative(np.std(DRoutNoise[:,2]),senRotNoiseStd*dt/1.5,accuracy): testMessages.append(("FAILED DRnoise3. \\\\& &")) testFailCount += 1 if not unitTestSupport.isDoubleEqualRelative(np.std(DVoutNoise[:,0]),senTransNoiseStd*dt/1.5 * accelScale[0],accuracy): testMessages.append(("FAILED DVnoise1. \\\\& &")) testFailCount += 1 if not unitTestSupport.isDoubleEqualRelative(np.std(DVoutNoise[:,1]),senTransNoiseStd*dt/1.5 * accelScale[1],accuracy): testMessages.append(("FAILED DVnoise2. \\\\& &")) testFailCount += 1 if not unitTestSupport.isDoubleEqualRelative(np.std(DVoutNoise[:,2]),senTransNoiseStd*dt/1.5 * accelScale[2],accuracy): testMessages.append(("FAILED DVnoise3. \\\\& &")) testFailCount += 1 if not unitTestSupport.isDoubleEqualRelative(np.std(rDotDotOutNoise[:,0]),senTransNoiseStd/1.5 * accelScale[0],accuracy): testMessages.append(("FAILED AccelNoise1. \\\\& &")) testFailCount += 1 if not unitTestSupport.isDoubleEqualRelative(np.std(rDotDotOutNoise[:,1]),senTransNoiseStd/1.5 * accelScale[1],accuracy): testMessages.append(("FAILED AccelNoise2. \\\\& &")) testFailCount += 1 if not unitTestSupport.isDoubleEqualRelative(np.std(rDotDotOutNoise[:,2]),senTransNoiseStd/1.5 * accelScale[2],accuracy): testMessages.append(("FAILED AccelNoise3. \\\\& &")) testFailCount += 1 if not unitTestSupport.isDoubleEqualRelative(np.std(omegaOutNoise[:,0]),senRotNoiseStd/1.5,accuracy): testMessages.append(("FAILED omegaNoise1. \\\\& &")) testFailCount += 1 if not unitTestSupport.isDoubleEqualRelative(np.std(omegaOutNoise[:,1]),senRotNoiseStd/1.5,accuracy): testMessages.append(("FAILED oemgaNoise2. \\\\& &")) testFailCount += 1 if not unitTestSupport.isDoubleEqualRelative(np.std(omegaOutNoise[:,2]),senRotNoiseStd/1.5,accuracy): testMessages.append(("FAILED omegaNoise3. \\\\& &")) testFailCount += 1 # noise plots plt.figure(1000, figsize=(7, 5), dpi=80, facecolor='w', edgecolor='k') plt.clf() plt.plot(DRout[1:, 0]/1e9, DVoutNoise[1:,:]) plt.xlabel("Time[s]") plt.ylabel("DV Noise [um/s]") plt.title("DV Noise") unitTestSupport.writeFigureLaTeX("DVnoise", 'Plot of DeltaV noise along each component for the noise test.', plt, 'height=0.7\\textwidth, keepaspectratio', path) plt.figure(1001, figsize=(7, 5), dpi=80, facecolor='w', edgecolor='k') plt.clf() plt.plot(DRout[1:, 0]/1e9, rDotDotOutNoise[1:,:]) plt.xlabel("Time[s]") plt.ylabel("Acceleration Noise [m/s/s]") plt.title("Acceleration Noise") unitTestSupport.writeFigureLaTeX("AccelNoise", 'Plot of acceleration noise along each component for the noise test.', plt, 'height=0.7\\textwidth, keepaspectratio', path) plt.figure(1002, figsize=(7, 5), dpi=80, facecolor='w', edgecolor='k') plt.clf() plt.plot(DRout[1:, 0]/1e9, DRoutNoise[1:,:]) plt.xlabel("Time[s]") plt.ylabel("DR Noise [rad]") plt.title("DR Noise") unitTestSupport.writeFigureLaTeX("DRnoise", 'Plot of PRV noise along each component for the noise test.', plt, 'height=0.7\\textwidth, keepaspectratio', path) plt.figure(1003, figsize=(7, 5), dpi=80, facecolor='w', edgecolor='k') plt.clf() plt.plot(DRout[1:, 0]/1e9, omegaOutNoise[1:,:]) plt.xlabel("Time[s]") plt.ylabel("Angular Rate Noise [rad/s]") plt.title("Angular Rate Noise") unitTestSupport.writeFigureLaTeX("omegaNoise", 'Plot of Angular Rate noise along each component for the noise test.', plt, 'height=0.7\\textwidth, keepaspectratio', path) if show_plots: plt.close('all') # # Outputs to AutoTex # accuracySnippetName = testCase+"accuracy" accuracySnippetContent = '{:1.0e}'.format(accuracy) unitTestSupport.writeTeXSnippet(accuracySnippetName, accuracySnippetContent, path) if testFailCount == 0: colorText = 'ForestGreen' passedText = r'\textcolor{' + colorText + '}{' + "PASSED" + '}' else: colorText = 'Red' passedText = r'\textcolor{' + colorText + '}{' + "FAILED" + '}' passFailSnippetName = testCase+"passFail" passFailSnippetContent = passedText unitTestSupport.writeTeXSnippet(passFailSnippetName, passFailSnippetContent, path) snippetName = testCase + "gyroLSB" snippetContent = '{:1.0e}'.format(gyroLSBIn) unitTestSupport.writeTeXSnippet(snippetName, snippetContent, path) snippetName = testCase + "accelLSB" snippetContent = '{:1.0e}'.format(accelLSBIn) unitTestSupport.writeTeXSnippet(snippetName, snippetContent, path) snippetName = testCase + "rotMax" snippetContent = '{:1.1e}'.format(senRotMaxIn) unitTestSupport.writeTeXSnippet(snippetName, snippetContent, path) snippetName = testCase + "transMax" snippetContent = '{:1.1e}'.format(senTransMaxIn) unitTestSupport.writeTeXSnippet(snippetName, snippetContent, path) snippetName = testCase + "rotNoise" snippetContent = '{:0.1f}'.format(senRotNoiseStd) unitTestSupport.writeTeXSnippet(snippetName, snippetContent, path) snippetName = testCase + "transNoise" snippetContent = '{:0.1f}'.format(senTransNoiseStd) unitTestSupport.writeTeXSnippet(snippetName, snippetContent, path) snippetName = testCase + "rotBias" snippetContent = '{:1.1e}'.format(senRotBiasIn) unitTestSupport.writeTeXSnippet(snippetName, snippetContent, path) snippetName = testCase + "transBias" snippetContent = '{:1.1e}'.format(senTransBiasIn) unitTestSupport.writeTeXSnippet(snippetName, snippetContent, path) if testFailCount: print(testMessages) else: print("PASSED") return [testFailCount, ''.join(testMessages)] # This statement below ensures that the unit test script can be run as a # stand-along python script if __name__ == "__main__": # unitSimIMU(True, 'noise', 1.0, 0.01, 0.0, 0.0, 1000., 1000., 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0., 0., 1e-8) unitSimIMU(False, 'noise', 1.0, 0.001, 0.0, 0.0, 1000., 1000., .1, .1, 0.1, 0.1, 0.0, 0.0, 1e-1)