

This script sets up a 3-DOF spacecraft which is orbiting the Earth. The goal of the scenario is to

  1. highlight the structure of the BSK_Sim architecture,

  2. demonstrate how to create a custom BSK_scenario, and

  3. how to customize the and files.

The script is found in the folder basilisk/examples/BskSim/scenarios and executed by using:


The simulation mimics the basic simulation scenario in the earlier tutorial in scenarioBasicOrbit. But rather than explicitly defining all simulation properties within the python simulation file, the bskSim spacecraft simulation class is used to encapsulate a lot of the setup and configuring.

The simulation layout is shown in the following illustration.


Two simulation processes are created: one which contains dynamics modules, and one that contains the Flight Software (FSW) modules. The benefit of the new BSK_Sim architecture is how it allows the user to have a pre-written spacecraft configurations and FSW modes neatly organized within three modular files: a BSK_scenario file, a FSW file, and a Dynamics file.

More explicitly, the purpose of the scenario file (in this case scenario_BasicOrbit) within the BSK_Simulation architecture is to provide the user a simple, front-end interface to configure a scenario without having to individually initialize and integrate each dynamics and FSW module into their simulation. Instead the Dynamics file (for instance BSK_Dynamics or BSK_FormationDynamics) has preconfigured many dynamics modules, attached them to the spacecraft, and linked their messages to the appropriate FSW modules. Similarly, the FSW file (in this case BSK_Fsw) creates preconfigured FSW modes such as hill pointing, sun safe pointing, velocity pointing, and more. Each preconfigured mode triggers a specific event which enables various FSW tasks like assigning enabling a specific pointing model or control loop. The proceeding sequence of tasks then initialize the appropriate FSW modules, link their messages, and provide pre-written FSW functionality through a simple modeRequest variable within the BSK_scenario file.

Configuring the scenario file

To write a custom scenario file, first create a class such as scenario_BasicOrbit that will inherent from the masterSim class. Following the inheritance, there are three functions within the scenario class that need to be defined by the user: configure_initial_conditions(), log_outputs(), and pull_outputs().

Within configure_initial_conditions(), the user needs to define the spacecraft FSW mode for the simulation through the modeRequest variable. this is the parameter that triggers the aforementioned FSW event. Additional FSW modes (to be discussed in later tutorials) include sunSafePoint, inertial3D, velocityPoint, hillPoint, and more.

Additionally, the user needs to supply initial conditions for the spacecraft and its orbit. The example script code uses the orbitalMotion module to construct the appropriate position and velocity vectors for a stable orbit, and then assigns them to the spacecraft.

The self.masterSim.get_DynModel() is referencing a list of available dynamic modules preconfigured in the Dynamics file.

Within log_outputs(), the user can supply a list of messages they are interested in logging. Position and velocity from the navigation message are relevant to verify proper orbit functionality.

Finally within the pull_outputs(), the user can pull specific variables from the logged messages and proceed to graph them using predefined plotting routines in

Custom Configurations Instructions

The benefit of the BSK_Simulation architecture is its user simplicity. Things like spacecraft hub configurations, reaction wheel pyramids, and coarse sun sensor constellations are all preconfigured; however, for users who would like to customize their own dynamics modules and FSW modes, it is recommended to copy the two primary BSK_Sim files ( and and modify them directly. Instructions for configuring user-customized Dynamics and FSW files are detailed below.

Custom Dynamics Configurations Instructions

In BSK_Dynamics, the script first generates a dynamics task onto which future dynamics modules will be added. Following the task generation, all desired dynamics module objects are generated: These objects are then configured through InitAllDynObjects(SimBase) which iterates through a number of setter functions that configure all of the dynamics objects properties and messages. These setter functions are examples of how the BSK_Sim architecture has preconfigured dynamics modules within the BSK_Dynamics. Now, for every future scenario file, a spacecraft object, gravity effector, and simple navigation sensor will be available for use. Finally, all now-configured objects are attached to the DynamicsTask

The number at the end of AddModelToTask corresponds with the priority of the model. The higher the number, the earlier the model gets evaluated during each time step.

Custom FSW Configurations Instructions’s __init__() procedure defines all possible configuration messages to be used by future FSW algorithms. Because this scenario is simulating a 3-DOF spacecraft, there are no FSW algorithms needed to control attitude.

As such, a initializeStandby event is created within BSK_Fsw to ensure all FSW tasks are disabled. This event is triggered by the modeRequest called in scenario_BasicOrbit and executes the following code in BSK_Fsw.

Illustration of Simulation Results

showPlots = True
../../../_images/scenario_BasicOrbit_orbit.svg ../../../_images/scenario_BasicOrbit_orientation.svg[source]

The scenarios can be run with the followings setups parameters:


showPlots (bool) – Determines if the script should display plots

class scenario_BasicOrbit.scenario_BasicOrbit[source]

Bases: BSKSim, BSKScenario


Developer must override this method in their BSK_Scenario derived subclass.


Developer must override this method in their BSK_Scenario derived subclass.


Developer must override this method in their BSK_Scenario derived subclass.