Integrated Example Scripts

To learn how to use Basilisk it is often convenient to study sample scripts and see how they were implemented. Below are a series of example Basilisk scripts grouped by topics and complexity. In each script the primary simulation is executed by the run method. The reader can learn from this implementation and the numerous associated in-line comments. The first sections illustrate how to setup simple spacecraft simulations and then the following sections begin to add more complexity.

The example script source code can be viewed directly within the browser by clicking on the Source link next to the run method name as shown in the image below:

scenario python source link

The python code contains additional comments to explain what is being setup and tested here. The example instructions are all stored as extensive comments within the python script. Read the script source to study how this example functions.

Orbital Simulations

Attitude Simulations

Attitude Regulation Control

Attitude Guidance

Attitude Control with Actuators

Attitude Steering Control

Orbit Control

Planetary Environments

Magnetic Field Models

Gravity Gradient Torque

Atmospheric Drag

Access to Communication Locations

Planet Albedo

Spacecraft Sensors

Coarse Sun Sensors

Three-Axis Magnetometers

Spacecraft Sub-Systems

Power Sub-System

Data Sub-System

Thermal Sub-System

Complex Spacecraft Dynamics Simulations

Mission Simulations

Spacecraft Formation Flying

Small Body Navigation Simulations

bskSim() Architecture

Single Satellite

Satellite Formation

Support Files

MultiSatBskSim() Architecture


Support Files

Optical Navigation Simulations


Support Files

CNN Image Generation

CNN Image Generation

Monte Carlo Simulations

Advanced Simulation Options

Multi-Threading Basilisk Simulations

Advanced Visualizations

Interfacing with Vizard