

This scenario illustrates how to add a RW temperature sensor and include some random noise in the temperature measurement. The RW-based attitude control component is based on scenarioAttitudeFeedbackRW. This scenario uses the Module: motorThermal module model the true temperature data from reaction wheels and Module: tempMeasurement module for adding noise into the temperature readings.


For the Module: tempMeasurement module to provide random noise it is critical that the module variable RNGSeed is set to a unique value. Setting it to the same value will result in the same random numbers being generated each run.

Illustration of Simulation Results

show_plots = True

The following plots illustrate the true temperature of the RWs and the measurement with noise.

../_images/scenarioTempMeasurementAttitude1.svg ../_images/scenarioTempMeasurementAttitude2.svg
scenarioTempMeasurementAttitude.plot_rw_temp_measurement(timeData, dataTemp, numRW, id=None)[source]

Plot the reaction wheel temperature measurements

scenarioTempMeasurementAttitude.plot_rw_temperature(timeData, dataTemp, numRW, id=None)[source]

Plot the reaction wheel temperatures[source]

The scenarios can be run with the followings setups parameters:


show_plots (bool) – Determines if the script should display plots