Source code for bsk_rl.sats.access_satellite

"""Satellites are the agents in the environment."""

import bisect
import logging
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Any, Callable, Iterable, Optional, Union

import numpy as np
from Basilisk.utilities import macros
from scipy.optimize import minimize_scalar, root_scalar

from bsk_rl.sats.satellite import Satellite
from bsk_rl.scene.targets import Target
from bsk_rl.sim import dyn, fsw
from bsk_rl.utils.functional import valid_func_name
from bsk_rl.utils.orbital import elevation

if TYPE_CHECKING:  # pragma: no cover
    from import UniqueImageStore

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

SatObs = Any
SatAct = Any

[docs] class AccessSatellite(Satellite): """Satellite that detects access opportunities for ground locations.""" def __init__( self, *args, generation_duration: float = 600.0, initial_generation_duration: Optional[float] = None, **kwargs, ) -> None: """Satellite that detects access opportunities for ground locations. This satellite can be used to computes access opportunities for ground locations such as imaging targets or ground stations. The satellite will calculate upcoming opportunities for each location and order the opportunities by close time. Opportunities are calculated based on a per-location minimum elevation angle. Args: args: Passed through to :class:`Satellite` constructor. generation_duration: [s] Duration to calculate additional opportunities for when the simulation time reaches the current calculation time. If `None`, generate opportunities for the simulation `time_limit` unless the simulation is infinite. initial_generation_duration: [s] Period to calculate opportunities for on environment reset. kwargs: Passed through to :class:`Satellite` constructor. """ super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) self.generation_duration = generation_duration self.initial_generation_duration = initial_generation_duration self.access_filter_functions = [] self.add_access_filter(lambda opportunity: True)
[docs] def reset_overwrite_previous(self) -> None: """Overwrite previous opportunities and locations.""" super().reset_overwrite_previous() self.opportunities: list[dict] = [] self.window_calculation_time = 0 self.locations_for_access_checking: list[dict[str, Any]] = []
[docs] def add_location_for_access_checking( self, object: Any, r_LP_P: np.ndarray, min_elev: float, type: str, ) -> None: """Add a location to be included in opportunity calculations. .. warning:: The added location will only be considered in future calls to :class:`~AccessSatellite.calculate_additional_windows`; opportunities are not computed retroactively. Args: object: Object for with to compute opportunities. r_LP_P: [m] Objects planet-fixed location. min_elev: [rad] Minimum elevation angle for access. type: Category of opportunity target provides. """ location_dict = dict(r_LP_P=r_LP_P, min_elev=min_elev, type=type) location_dict[type] = object # For backwards compatibility, prefer "object" key location_dict["object"] = object self.locations_for_access_checking.append(location_dict)
def reset_post_sim_init(self) -> None: """Handle initial window calculations for new simulation. :meta private: """ super().reset_post_sim_init() if self.initial_generation_duration is None: if self.simulator.time_limit == float("inf"): self.initial_generation_duration = 0 else: self.initial_generation_duration = self.simulator.time_limit self.calculate_additional_windows(self.initial_generation_duration)
[docs] def calculate_additional_windows(self, duration: float) -> None: """Use a multiroot finding method to evaluate imaging windows for each location. Args: duration: Time to calculate windows from end of previous window. """ if duration <= 0: return "Finding opportunity windows from " f"{self.window_calculation_time:.2f} to " f"{self.window_calculation_time + duration:.2f} seconds" ) calculation_start = self.window_calculation_time calculation_end = self.window_calculation_time + max( duration, self.trajectory.dt * 2, self.generation_duration ) calculation_end = self.generation_duration * np.ceil( calculation_end / self.generation_duration ) # Get discrete times and positions for next trajectory segment self.trajectory.extend_to(calculation_end) r_BP_P_interp = self.trajectory.r_BP_P window_calc_span = np.logical_and( r_BP_P_interp.x >= calculation_start - 1e-9, r_BP_P_interp.x <= calculation_end + 1e-9, ) # Account for floating point error in window_calculation_time times = r_BP_P_interp.x[window_calc_span] positions = r_BP_P_interp.y[window_calc_span] r_max = np.max(np.linalg.norm(positions, axis=-1)) access_dist_thresh_multiplier = 1.1 for location in self.locations_for_access_checking: alt_est = r_max - np.linalg.norm(location["r_LP_P"]) access_dist_threshold = ( access_dist_thresh_multiplier * alt_est / np.sin(location["min_elev"]) ) candidate_windows = self._find_candidate_windows( location["r_LP_P"], times, positions, access_dist_threshold ) for candidate_window in candidate_windows: roots = self._find_elevation_roots( r_BP_P_interp, location["r_LP_P"], location["min_elev"], candidate_window, ) new_windows = self._refine_window( roots, candidate_window, (times[0], times[-1]) ) for new_window in new_windows: self._add_window( location["object"], new_window, type=location["type"], r_LP_P=location["r_LP_P"], merge_time=times[0], ) self.window_calculation_time = calculation_end
@staticmethod def _find_elevation_roots( position_interp, location: np.ndarray, min_elev: float, window: tuple[float, float], min_duration: float = 0.1, ): """Find times where the elevation is equal to the minimum elevation. Finds exact times where the satellite's elevation relative to a target is equal to the minimum elevation. """ def root_fn(t): return -(elevation(position_interp(t), location) - min_elev) elev_0, elev_1 = root_fn(window[0]), root_fn(window[1]) if elev_0 < 0 and elev_1 < 0: logger.warning( "initial_generation_duration is shorter than the maximum window length; some windows may be neglected." ) return [] elif elev_0 < 0 or elev_1 < 0: return [root_scalar(root_fn, bracket=window).root] else: res = minimize_scalar(root_fn, bracket=window, tol=1e-4) if < 0: window_mid = res.x r_open = root_scalar(root_fn, bracket=(window[0], window_mid)).root r_close = root_scalar(root_fn, bracket=(window_mid, window[1])).root if r_close - r_open > min_duration: return [r_open, r_close] return [] @staticmethod def _find_candidate_windows( location: np.ndarray, times: np.ndarray, positions: np.ndarray, threshold: float ) -> list[tuple[float, float]]: """Find `times` where a window is plausible. i.e. where a `positions` point is within `threshold` of `location`. Too big of a dt in times may miss windows or produce bad results. """ close_times = np.linalg.norm(positions - location, axis=1) < threshold close_indices = np.where(close_times)[0] groups = np.split(close_indices, np.where(np.diff(close_indices) != 1)[0] + 1) groups = [group for group in groups if len(group) > 0] candidate_windows = [] for group in groups: t_start = times[max(0, group[0] - 1)] t_end = times[min(len(times) - 1, group[-1] + 1)] candidate_windows.append((t_start, t_end)) return candidate_windows @staticmethod def _refine_window( endpoints: Iterable, candidate_window: tuple[float, float], computation_window: tuple[float, float], ) -> list[tuple[float, float]]: """Detect if an exact window has been truncated by a coarse window.""" endpoints = list(endpoints) # Filter endpoints that are too close for i, endpoint in enumerate(endpoints[0:-1]): if abs(endpoint - endpoints[i + 1]) < 1e-6: endpoints[i] = None endpoints = [endpoint for endpoint in endpoints if endpoint is not None] # Find pairs if len(endpoints) % 2 == 1: if candidate_window[0] == computation_window[0]: endpoints.insert(0, computation_window[0]) elif candidate_window[-1] == computation_window[-1]: endpoints.append(computation_window[-1]) else: return [] # Temporary fix for rare issue. new_windows = [] for t1, t2 in zip(endpoints[0::2], endpoints[1::2]): new_windows.append((t1, t2)) return new_windows def _add_window( self, object: Any, new_window: tuple[float, float], type: str, r_LP_P: np.ndarray, merge_time: Optional[float] = None, ): """Add an opportunity window. Args: object: Object to add window for new_window: New window for target type: Type of window being added r_LP_P: Planet-fixed location of object merge_time: Time at which merges with existing windows will occur. If None, check all windows for merges. """ if new_window[0] == merge_time or merge_time is None: for opportunity in self.opportunities: if ( opportunity["type"] == type and opportunity["object"] == object and opportunity["window"][1] == new_window[0] ): opportunity["window"] = (opportunity["window"][0], new_window[1]) return bisect.insort( self.opportunities, {"object": object, "window": new_window, "type": type, "r_LP_P": r_LP_P}, key=lambda x: x["window"][1], ) @property def upcoming_opportunities(self) -> list[dict]: """Ordered list of opportunities that have not yet closed.""" start = bisect.bisect_left( self.opportunities, self.simulator.sim_time + 1e-12, key=lambda x: x["window"][1], ) upcoming = self.opportunities[start:] return upcoming
[docs] def opportunities_dict( self, types: Optional[Union[str, list[str]]] = None, filter: Union[Optional[Callable], list] = None, ) -> dict[Any, list[tuple[float, float]]]: """Make dictionary of opportunities that maps objects to lists of windows. Args: types: Types of opportunities to include. If None, include all types. filter: Function that takes an opportunity dictionary and returns a boolean if the opportunity should be included in the output. """ if isinstance(types, str): types = [types] if isinstance(filter, list): filter_list = filter filter = lambda opportunity: opportunity["object"] not in filter_list if filter is None: filter = self.default_access_filter windows = {} for opportunity in self.opportunities: type = opportunity["type"] if (types is None or type in types) and filter(opportunity): if opportunity["object"] not in windows: windows[opportunity["object"]] = [] windows[opportunity["object"]].append(opportunity["window"]) return windows
[docs] def upcoming_opportunities_dict( self, types: Optional[Union[str, list[str]]] = None, filter: Union[Optional[Callable], list] = None, ) -> dict[Any, list[tuple[float, float]]]: """Get dictionary of upcoming opportunities. Maps objects to lists of windows that have not yet closed. Args: types: Types of opportunities to include. If None, include all types. filter: Function that takes an opportunity dictionary and returns a boolean if the opportunity should be included in the output. """ if isinstance(types, str): types = [types] if isinstance(filter, list): filter_list = filter filter = lambda opportunity: opportunity["object"] not in filter_list if filter is None: filter = self.default_access_filter windows = {} for opportunity in self.upcoming_opportunities: type = opportunity["type"] if (types is None or type in types) and filter(opportunity): if opportunity["object"] not in windows: windows[opportunity["object"]] = [] windows[opportunity["object"]].append(opportunity["window"]) return windows
[docs] def next_opportunities_dict( self, types: Optional[Union[str, list[str]]] = None, filter: Union[Optional[Callable], list] = None, ) -> dict[Any, tuple[float, float]]: """Make dictionary of opportunities that maps objects to the next open windows. Args: types: Types of opportunities to include. If None, include all types. filter: Function that takes an opportunity dictionary and returns a boolean if the opportunity should be included in the output. """ if isinstance(types, str): types = [types] if isinstance(filter, list): filter_list = filter filter = lambda opportunity: opportunity["object"] not in filter_list if filter is None: filter = self.default_access_filter next_windows = {} for opportunity in self.upcoming_opportunities: type = opportunity["type"] if (types is None or type in types) and filter(opportunity): if opportunity["object"] not in next_windows: next_windows[opportunity["object"]] = opportunity["window"] return next_windows
[docs] def find_next_opportunities( self, n: int, pad: bool = True, max_lookahead: int = 100, types: Optional[Union[str, list[str]]] = None, filter: Union[Optional[Callable], list] = None, ) -> list[dict]: """Find the n nearest opportunities, sorted by window close time. Args: n: Number of opportunities to attempt to include. pad: If true, duplicates the last target if the number of opportunities found is less than n. max_lookahead: Maximum times to call calculate_additional_windows. types: Types of opportunities to include. If None, include all types. filter: Function that takes an opportunity dictionary and returns a boolean if the opportunity should be included in the output. Returns: ``n`` nearest opportunities, ordered """ if isinstance(types, str): types = [types] if isinstance(filter, list): filter_list = filter filter = lambda opportunity: opportunity["object"] not in filter_list if filter is None: filter = self.default_access_filter if n == 0: return [] for _ in range(max_lookahead): upcoming_opportunities = self.upcoming_opportunities next_opportunities = [] for opportunity in upcoming_opportunities: type = opportunity["type"] if (types is None or type in types) and filter(opportunity): next_opportunities.append(opportunity) if len(next_opportunities) >= n: return next_opportunities self.calculate_additional_windows(self.generation_duration) if pad and len(next_opportunities) >= 1: next_opportunities += [next_opportunities[-1]] * ( n - len(next_opportunities) ) else: raise RuntimeError( "No opportunities found! Use add_location_for_access_checking to add locations." ) return next_opportunities
def get_access_filter(self): """Deprecated function. :meta private: """ raise DeprecationWarning( "get_access_filter is deprecated. Use add_access_filter and default_access_filter instead." )
[docs] def add_access_filter(self, access_filter_fn: Callable): """Add an access filter function to the list of access filters. Calls to :class:`~AccessSatellite.opportunities_dict`, :class:`~AccessSatellite.find_next_opportunities`, and similar functions will use the boolean AND of all access filter functions, unless otherwise specified. Access filters are used by various other aspects of the environment to limit which opportunities are considered based on the satellite's local knowledge of the environment. """ self.access_filter_functions.append(access_filter_fn)
@property def default_access_filter(self): """Generate a default access filter function that combines all access filters. :meta private: """ def access_filter(opportunity): return all( [ access_filter_fn(opportunity) for access_filter_fn in self.access_filter_functions ] ) return access_filter
[docs] class ImagingSatellite(AccessSatellite): """Satellite with agile imaging capabilities.""" dyn_type = dyn.ImagingDynModel fsw_type = fsw.ImagingFSWModel def __init__( self, *args, **kwargs, ) -> None: """Satellite with agile imaging capabilities. Stop the simulation when a target is imaged or missed so that time is not wasted on an inaccessible or already imaged target. """ super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) self.fsw: ImagingSatellite.fsw_type self.dynamics: ImagingSatellite.dyn_type self.data_store: "UniqueImageStore" @property def known_targets(self) -> list["Target"]: """List of known targets.""" try: return except AttributeError: return []
[docs] def reset_overwrite_previous(self) -> None: """Overwrite statistics about previous episode.""" super().reset_overwrite_previous() self._image_event_name = None self.imaged = 0 self.missed = 0
def reset_pre_sim_init(self) -> None: """Set the buffer parameters based on computed windows. :meta private: """ super().reset_pre_sim_init() self.sat_args["bufferNames"] = [ loc["object"].id for loc in self.locations_for_access_checking if hasattr(loc["object"], "id") ] self.sat_args["transmitterNumBuffers"] = len(self.sat_args["bufferNames"]) def _update_image_event(self, target: "Target") -> None: """Create a simulator event that terminates on imaging. Causes the simulation to stop when a target is imaged. Args: target: Target expected to be imaged """ self._disable_image_event() self._image_event_name = valid_func_name(f"image_{}_{}") if self._image_event_name not in self.simulator.eventMap.keys(): data_names = np.array( list( ) ) data_index = int(np.where(data_names ==[0][0]) current_data_level = ([ data_index ] ) self.simulator.createNewEvent( self._image_event_name, macros.sec2nano(self.fsw.fsw_rate), True, [ f"self.dynamics_list['{}']" + f".storedData[{data_index}] > {current_data_level}" ], [ self._info_command(f"imaged {target}"), self._satellite_command + ".imaged += 1", self._satellite_command + ".requires_retasking = True", ], terminal=self.variable_interval, ) else: self.simulator.eventMap[self._image_event_name].eventActive = True def _disable_image_event(self) -> None: """Turn off simulator termination due to this satellite's imaging checker.""" if ( self._image_event_name is not None and self._image_event_name in self.simulator.eventMap ): self.simulator.delete_event(self._image_event_name)
[docs] def parse_target_selection(self, target_query: Union[int, Target, str]): """Identify a target from a query. Parses an upcoming target index, Target object, or target id. Args: target_query: Target upcoming index, object, or id. """ if np.issubdtype(type(target_query), np.integer): target = self.find_next_opportunities(n=target_query + 1, types="target")[ -1 ]["object"] elif isinstance(target_query, Target): target = target_query elif isinstance(target_query, str): try: target = [ target for target in self.known_targets if == target_query ][0] except IndexError: raise ValueError(f"Target {target_query} not a known target!") else: raise TypeError(f"Invalid target_query! Cannot be a {type(target_query)}!") return target
[docs] def enable_target_window(self, target: "Target"): """Enable a timed opportunity close event and a successfully imaged event. Args: target: Target to terminate the step on imaging or when out of range. """ self._update_image_event(target) next_window = self.next_opportunities_dict( types="target", filter=self.default_access_filter, )[target] self.log_info( f"{target} window enabled: {next_window[0]:.1f} to {next_window[1]:.1f}" ) self.update_timed_terminal_event( next_window[1], info=f"for {target} window", extra_actions=[self._satellite_command + ".missed += 1"], )
[docs] def task_target_for_imaging(self, target: "Target"): """Task the satellite to image a target. Args: target: Selected target """ msg = f"{target} tasked for imaging" self.log_info(msg) self.fsw.action_image(target.r_LP_P, self.enable_target_window(target)