static double DEFAULT_BOUND = -1.0
Default bound for the Gauss-Markov model.
static double MIN_STATE_FACTOR = 1E-10
Minimum state factor for the Gauss-Markov model.
class GaussMarkov
- #include <gauss_markov.h>
This module is used to apply a second-order bounded Gauss-Markov random walk on top of an upper level process. The intent is that the caller will perform the set methods (setUpperBounds, setNoiseMatrix, setPropMatrix) as often as they need to, call computeNextState, and then call getCurrentState cyclically.
Public Functions
The constructor initialies the random number generator used for the walks
GaussMarkov(uint64_t size, uint64_t newSeed = 0x1badcad1)
class constructor
The destructor is a placeholder for one that might do something
void computeNextState()
This method performs almost all of the work for the Gauss Markov random walk. It uses the current random walk configuration, propagates the current state, and then applies appropriate errors to the states to set the current error level.
inline void setRNGSeed(uint64_t newSeed)
Method does just what it says, seeds the random number generator.
- Parameters:
newSeed – The seed to use in the random number generator
inline Eigen::VectorXd getCurrentState()
Method returns the current random walk state from model.
- Returns:
The private currentState which is the vector of random walk values
inline void setUpperBounds(Eigen::VectorXd newBounds)
Set the upper bounds on the random walk to newBounds.
- Parameters:
newBounds – the bounds to put on the random walk states
inline void setNoiseMatrix(Eigen::MatrixXd noise)
Set the noiseMatrix that is used to define error sigmas.
- Parameters:
noise – The new value to use for the noiseMatrix variable (error sigmas)
inline void setPropMatrix(Eigen::MatrixXd prop)
Set the propagation matrix that is used to propagate the state.
- Parameters:
prop – The new value for the state propagation matrix
Public Members
Eigen::VectorXd stateBounds
— Upper bounds to use for markov
Eigen::VectorXd currentState
— State of the markov model
Eigen::MatrixXd propMatrix
— Matrix to propagate error state with
Eigen::MatrixXd noiseMatrix
— Cholesky-decomposition or matrix square root of the covariance matrix to apply errors with
BSKLogger bskLogger
— BSK Logging
Private Functions
void initializeRNG()