Module: gravityEffector
Executive Summary
Abstract class that is used to implement an effector impacting a GRAVITY body that does not itself maintain a state or represent a changing component of the body (for example: gravity, thrusters, solar radiation pressure, etc.)
The module
PDF Description
contains further information on this module’s function,
how to run it, as well as testing.
Message Connection Descriptions
The following table lists all the module input and output messages. The module msg connection is set by the user from python. The msg type contains a link to the message structure definition, while the description provides information on what this message is used for.
Msg Variable Name |
Msg Type |
Description |
centralBodyOutMsg |
central planet body state output message |
The gravity effector contains a list of GravBodyData
objects which contain the planet mass and size properties etc.
The following table lists the Spice planet ephemeris input message that can be connected to a GravBodyData
If no message is connected, then the planet has zero position and orientation information by default.
Msg Variable Name |
Msg Type |
Description |
planetBodyInMsg |
planet spice ephemerisis input message |
User Guide
The user must provide a list of GravBodyData
objects to the spacecraft using:
scObject.gravField.gravBodies = spacecraft.GravBodyVector(gravBodyList)
Each gravity body data object can be created using:
earth = gravityEffector.GravBodyData()
earth.planetName = 'earth_planet_data' = 0.3986004415E+15 # meters^3/s^2
earth.radEquator = 6378136.6 # meters
earth.isCentralBody = False
Note that the
helper file contains a gravity body factor class to facilitate
setting up gravity bodies.
class GravBodyData
- #include <gravityEffector.h>
Container for gravitational body data
This class is designed to hold all of the information for a gravity body. The nominal use-case has it initialized at the python level and attached to dynamics using the AddGravityBody method.
Public Functions
to zero except forlocalPlanet.J20002Pfix
, which is initialized to the identity matrix. Additionally, initializesgravityModel
to aPointMassGravityModel
void initBody(int64_t moduleID)
Initializes the gravityModel, logging and raising an error if the initialization fails.
Eigen::Vector3d computeGravityInertial(Eigen::Vector3d r_I, uint64_t simTimeNanos)
Computes the gravitational acceleration
- Parameters:
r_I – inertial position vector
simTimeNanos – simulation time (ns)
void loadEphemeris()
Read the ephemeris data from planetBodyInMsg if it’s linked. Otherwise, zeros
void registerProperties(DynParamManager &statesIn)
Creates the following properies in the given statesIn object.
- [planetName].r_PN_N - [planetName].v_PN_N - [planetName].mu - [planetName].J20002Pfix - [planetName].J20002Pfix_dot
v_PN_N, and
muare initialized to zero, while
J20002Pfix_dotare initialized to the values stored in
this->localPlanet. This usually means that
J20002Pfixis initialized to the identity matrix and
J20002Pfix_dot` to zero.
Public Members
bool isCentralBody = false
Flag indicating that object is center
std::shared_ptr<GravityModel> gravityModel
Model used to compute the gravity of the object
double mu = 0
[m3/s^2] central body gravitational param
double radEquator = 0
[m] Equatorial radius for the body
double radiusRatio = 1
[] ratio of polar over equatorial radius
std::string planetName = ""
Gravitational body name, this is used as the Spice name if spiceInterface is used
std::string displayName = ""
This is the name that is displayed in Vizard. If not set, Vizard shows planetName
std::string modelDictionaryKey = ""
“” will result in using the current default for the celestial body’s given name, otherwise key will be matched if possible to available model in internal model dictionary
ReadFunctor<SpicePlanetStateMsgPayload> planetBodyInMsg
planet spice ephemeris input message
SpicePlanetStateMsgPayload localPlanet
[-] Class storage of ephemeris info from scheduled portion
BSKLogger bskLogger
— BSK Logging
Private Members
Eigen::MatrixXd *r_PN_N
[m] (state engine property) planet inertial position vector
Eigen::MatrixXd *v_PN_N
[m/s] (state engine property) planet inertial velocity vector
Eigen::MatrixXd *muPlanet
[m/s] (state engine property) planet inertial velocity vector
Eigen::MatrixXd *J20002Pfix
[m/s] (state engine property) planet attitude [PN]
Eigen::MatrixXd *J20002Pfix_dot
[m/s] (state engine property) planet attitude rate [PN_dot]
uint64_t timeWritten = 0
[ns] time the input planet state message was written
- friend class GravityEffector
class GravityEffector : public SysModel
- #include <gravityEffector.h>
gravity effector class
Public Functions
void Reset(uint64_t currentSimNanos)
Initializes every
associated with thisGravityEffector
void UpdateState(uint64_t currentSimNanos)
Updates the central body, loads the ephemeris data for every
, and writes the output messages.
void linkInStates(DynParamManager &statesIn)
Links the correlation between times property
void registerProperties(DynParamManager &statesIn)
Registers the gravity, inertial position, and inertial velocity properties. It also calls
for every associatedGravBodyData
void computeGravityField(Eigen::Vector3d r_cF_N, Eigen::Vector3d rDot_cF_N)
Calculate gravitational acceleration of s/c wrt inertial (no central body) or wrt central body
- Parameters:
r_cF_N – is position of center of mass of s/c wrt frame
rDot_cF_N – is the derivative of above
void updateInertialPosAndVel(Eigen::Vector3d r_BF_N, Eigen::Vector3d rDot_BF_N)
Updates the inertial position and velocity properties
void updateEnergyContributions(Eigen::Vector3d r_CN_N, double &orbPotEnergyContr)
Computes the Potential Energy Contributions from every associated
Sets the
associated with this effector
Adds a
associated with this effector
void prependSpacecraftNameToStates()
Called to modify property names to prepend them by the string stored in nameOfSpacecraftAttachedTo
This can be used to make property names unique between different
in a simulation with multiple dynamic objects.
Public Members
std::vector<std::shared_ptr<GravBodyData>> gravBodies
[-] Vector of bodies we feel gravity from
std::shared_ptr<GravBodyData> centralBody
Central body
std::string vehicleGravityPropName = "g_N"
[-] Name of the vehicle gravity acceleration property
std::string systemTimeCorrPropName = "systemTime"
[-] Name of the correlation between times
std::string inertialPositionPropName = "r_BN_N"
[-] Name of the inertial position property
std::string inertialVelocityPropName = "v_BN_N"
[-] Name of the inertial velocity property
std::string nameOfSpacecraftAttachedTo = ""
[-] Name of the s/c this gravity model is attached to
Message<SpicePlanetStateMsgPayload> centralBodyOutMsg
central planet body state output message
BSKLogger bskLogger
— BSK Logging
Private Functions
Compute planet position with Euler integration
- Parameters:
bodyData – planet data
void writeOutputMessages(uint64_t currentSimNanos)
Writes to centralBodyOutMsg if it is linked and there is a central body
Private Members
Eigen::MatrixXd *gravProperty
[-] g_N property for output
Eigen::MatrixXd *timeCorr
[-] Time correlation property
Eigen::MatrixXd *inertialPositionProperty
[m] r_N inertial position relative to system spice zeroBase/refBase coordinate frame, property for output.
Eigen::MatrixXd *inertialVelocityProperty
[m/s] v_N inertial velocity relative to system spice zeroBase/refBase coordinate frame, property for output.
void Reset(uint64_t currentSimNanos)