Module Header File

Parent Class

Every Basilisk module is a sub-class of sys_model. This parent class provides common modules variables such as ModelTag and moduleID.

Module Class Name

The Basilisk module class name should be descriptive and unique. Its spelling has to be upper camel case and thus start with a capital letter.

Sample Code

Let us assume the module is to be called SomeModule. The input and output message type is SomeMsg. A basic C++ module header file would contain for example:

 1#ifndef SOME_MODULE_H
 2#define SOME_MODULE_H
 4#include "architecture/_GeneralModuleFiles/sys_model.h"
 5#include "architecture/msgPayloadDefC/SomeMsgPayload.h"
 6#include "architecture/messaging/messaging.h"
 7#include "architecture/utilities/bskLogging.h"
 9/*! @brief basic Basilisk C++ module class */
10class SomeModule: public SysModel {
12    SomeModule();
13    ~SomeModule();
15    void Reset(uint64_t CurrentSimNanos);
16    void UpdateState(uint64_t CurrentSimNanos);
20    Message<SomeMsgPayload> dataOutMsg;     //!< attitude navigation output msg
21    ReadFunctor<SomeMsgPayload> dataInMsg;  //!< translation navigation output msg
23    BSKLogger bskLogger;                    //!< -- BSK Logging
25    /** setter for `varDouble` property */
26    void setVarDouble(double);
27    /** getter for `varDouble` property */
28    double getVarDouble() const {return this->varDouble;}
31    // user configurable variables
32    double VarDouble;                       //!< [units] sample module variable declaration
34    // general private module variables
35    double internalVariable;                //!< [units] variable description

Some quick comments about what is included here:

  • The #ifndef statement is used to avoid this header file being imported multiple times during compiling.

  • All include statements should be made relative to basilisk/src

  • The sys_model.h file must be imported as the BSK modules are a subclass of sys_model.

  • All the message payload definition files need to be included. In the above example there is only one.

  • Include the Basilisk messaging.h file to have access to creating message objects

  • Include the bskLogging.h file to use the BSK logging functions.

Be sure to add descriptions to both the module and to the class variables used.

Required Module Methods

Each module should define the Reset() method that is called when initializing the BSK simulation, and the UpdateState() method which is called every time the task to which the module is added is updated.

Module Variables

The user configurable module variables should be either private or protected variables that are set and retrieved through setter and getter methods. Protected variables make sense if the variable is defined in a parent class and the sub-class should have ready access to this variable. The setter function should check that the value is valid or return an error. For example, you might want to set a gain variable, or the spacecraft area for solar radiation pressure evaluation, and the setter method should check that these values are strictly positive. The benefit of using setter and getter methods is that if a variable use is depreciated, then this variable can be gracefully depreciated while introducing the new module functionality. See Deprecating code in Basilisk for information on how to depreciate code.


Having C++ Basilisk module use setter and getter methods is a recent requirements. Older modules mostly have the module variables as public variables which can be set directly. Read the module documentation on how to setup and configure a Basilisk module.

The output messages are defined through the Message<> template class as shown above. This creates a message object instance which is also able to write to its own message data copy.

The input message object is defined through the ReadFunctor<> template class.

Finally, the bskLogger variable is defined to allow for BSK message logging with variable verbosity. It must be a public module variable. See scenarioBskLog for an example of how to set the logging verbosity.

Vector of Input Messages

To define a vector of input messages, you can define:

    std::vector<ReadFunctor<SomeMsgPayload>> moreInMsgs;    //!< variable description
    std::vector<SomeMsgPayload> moreInMsgsBuffer;           //!< variable description

Note that the vector of input messages is defined as a public variable. In contrast, the vector of message definition structures (i.e. the message buffer variable) can be defined as a private variable as it is only used within the module and not accessed outside.

Vector of Output Messages

To define a vector of output messages, we define a vector of message pointer using:

    std::vector<Message<SomeMsgPayload>*> moreOutMsgs;      //!< variable description