Source code for bsk_rl.obs.observations

"""Classes for composing observations for a satellite."""

import logging
from abc import ABC, abstractmethod
from copy import deepcopy
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Any, Callable, Optional, Union

import numpy as np
from Basilisk.utilities import orbitalMotion
from gymnasium import spaces

from bsk_rl.utils.functional import vectorize_nested_dict

if TYPE_CHECKING:  # pragma: no cover
    from bsk_rl.sats import Satellite
    from bsk_rl.sim import Simulator

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

def nested_obs_to_space(obs_dict):
    """Convert a nested observation dictionary to a gym space.

        obs_dict: Observation dictionary

        gym.Space: Observation space

    :meta private:
    if isinstance(obs_dict, dict):
        return spaces.Dict(
            {key: nested_obs_to_space(value) for key, value in obs_dict.items()}
    elif isinstance(obs_dict, list):
        return spaces.Box(
            low=-1e16, high=1e16, shape=(len(obs_dict),), dtype=np.float64
    elif isinstance(obs_dict, (float, int)):
        return spaces.Box(low=-1e16, high=1e16, shape=(1,), dtype=np.float64)
    elif isinstance(obs_dict, np.ndarray):
        return spaces.Box(low=-1e16, high=1e16, shape=obs_dict.shape, dtype=np.float64)
        raise TypeError(f"Cannot convert {obs_dict} to gym space.")

[docs] class ObservationBuilder: def __init__(self, satellite: "Satellite", obs_type: type = np.ndarray) -> None: """Satellite subclass for composing observations. Args: satellite: Satellite to observe obs_type: Datatype of satellite's returned observation. Can be ``np.ndarray`` (default), ``dict``, or ``list``. """ self.obs_type = obs_type self.obs_dict_cache = None self.obs_cache_time = 0.0 self.satellite = satellite self.simulator: "Simulator" self.observation_spec = deepcopy(self.satellite.observation_spec) name_counts = {} for obs in self.observation_spec: if in name_counts: name_counts[] += 1 += f"_{name_counts[]}" else: name_counts[] = 1 obs.link_satellite(self.satellite)
[docs] def reset_post_sim_init(self) -> None: """Perform any once-per-episode setup.""" self.simulator = self.satellite.simulator # already a proxy self.obs_dict_cache = None for obs in self.observation_spec: obs.link_simulator(self.simulator) # already a proxy obs.reset_post_sim_init()
[docs] def obs_dict(self) -> dict[str, Any]: """Human-readable observation format. Cached so only computed once per timestep. """ if ( self.obs_dict_cache is None or self.simulator.sim_time != self.obs_cache_time ): self.obs_dict_cache = { obs.get_obs() for obs in self.observation_spec } self.obs_cache_time = self.simulator.sim_time return deepcopy(self.obs_dict_cache)
[docs] def obs_ndarray(self) -> np.ndarray: """Numpy vector observation format.""" _, obs = vectorize_nested_dict(self.obs_dict()) return obs
[docs] def obs_array_keys(self) -> list[str]: """Get the keys of the obs_ndarray.""" keys, _ = vectorize_nested_dict(self.obs_dict()) return keys
[docs] def obs_list(self) -> list: """List observation format.""" return list(self.obs_ndarray())
[docs] def get_obs(self) -> Union[dict, np.ndarray, list]: """Update the observation.""" if self.obs_type is dict: return self.obs_dict() elif self.obs_type is np.ndarray: return self.obs_ndarray() elif self.obs_type is list: return self.obs_list() else: raise ValueError(f"Invalid observation type: {self.obs_type}")
@property def observation_space(self) -> spaces.Space: """Space of the observation.""" obs = self.get_obs() return nested_obs_to_space(obs) @property def observation_description(self) -> Any: """Human-interpretable description of observation space.""" return self.obs_array_keys()
[docs] class Observation(ABC): """Base observations class.""" def __init__(self, name: str = "obs") -> None: """Construct an observation. Args: name: Name of the observation. """ = name self.satellite: "Satellite" self.simulator: "Simulator" def link_satellite(self, satellite: "Satellite") -> None: """Link the observation to a satellite. Args: satellite: Satellite to link to :meta private: """ self.satellite = satellite # already a proxy def link_simulator(self, simulator: "Simulator") -> None: """Link the observation to a simulator. Args: simulator: Simulator to link to :meta private: """ self.simulator = simulator # already a proxy
[docs] def reset_post_sim_init(self) -> None: # pragma: no cover """Perform any once-per-episode setup.""" pass
[docs] @abstractmethod # pragma: no cover def get_obs(self) -> Any: """Return the observation.""" pass
[docs] class SatProperties(Observation): """Add arbitrary `dynamics` and `fsw` .""" def __init__( self, *obs_properties: dict[str, Union[str, float]], name="sat_props" ) -> None: """Include properties from ``fsw`` and ``dynamics`` in the observation. For each desired property, a dictionary specifying the property name and settings is passed. For example, to query the position and velocity of the satellite, the following would be used: .. code-block:: python SatProperties( dict(prop="r_BN_P", module="dynamics", norm=REQ_EARTH * 1e3), dict(prop="v_BN_P", module="dynamics", norm=7616.5, name="velocity"), ), Args: obs_properties: Property that can be found in fsw or dynamics that are to be appended to the the observation. Properties are optionally normalized by some factor. Each observation is a dictionary with the keys: * ``prop``: Name of property in ``fsw`` and ``dynamics`` to query * ``module`` `optional`: Module (dynamics or fsw) that holds the property. Can be inferred if ``None``. * ``norm`` `optional`: Value to normalize property by. Defaults to 1.0. * ``name`` `optional`: Name of the observation element. Defaults to the value of ``prop``. name: Name of the observation. """ super().__init__(name=name) for obs_property in obs_properties: for key in obs_property: if key not in ["prop", "module", "norm", "name"]: raise ValueError(f"Invalid property key: {key}") if "norm" not in obs_property: obs_property["norm"] = 1.0 if "name" not in obs_property: obs_property["name"] = obs_property["prop"] if obs_property["norm"] != 1.0: obs_property["name"] += "_normd" self.obs_properties = obs_properties def reset_post_sim_init(self) -> None: """If necessary, automatically determine property location. :meta private: """ for obs_property in self.obs_properties: if "module" not in obs_property: for module in ["dynamics", "fsw"]: if hasattr(getattr(self.satellite, module), obs_property["prop"]): obs_property["module"] = module break else: raise AttributeError(f"Property {obs_property['prop']} not found") def get_obs(self) -> dict[str, Any]: """Return the observation. :meta private: """ obs = {} for obs_property in self.obs_properties: prop = obs_property["prop"] module = obs_property["module"] norm = obs_property["norm"] value = getattr(getattr(self.satellite, module), prop) if isinstance(value, list): value = np.array(value) obs[obs_property["name"]] = value / norm return obs
[docs] class Time(Observation): def __init__(self, norm=None, name="time"): """Include the simulation time in the observation. Args: norm: Time to normalize by. If ``None``, the time is normalized by the simulation time limit. name: Name of the observation. """ super().__init__(name=name) self.norm = norm def reset_post_sim_init(self) -> None: """Autodetect normalization time. :meta private: """ if self.norm is None: self._norm = self.simulator.time_limit else: self._norm = self.norm def get_obs(self) -> float: """Return time normalized by normalization_time. :meta private: """ return self.simulator.sim_time / self._norm
def _target_angle(sat, opp): vector_target_spacecraft_P = opp["r_LP_P"] - sat.dynamics.r_BN_P vector_target_spacecraft_P_hat = vector_target_spacecraft_P / np.linalg.norm( vector_target_spacecraft_P ) return np.arccos(, sat.fsw.c_hat_P))
[docs] class OpportunityProperties(Observation): _fn_map = { "priority": lambda sat, opp: opp["object"].priority, "r_LP_P": lambda sat, opp: opp["r_LP_P"], "opportunity_open": lambda sat, opp: opp["window"][0] - sat.simulator.sim_time, "opportunity_mid": lambda sat, opp: sum(opp["window"]) / 2 - sat.simulator.sim_time, "opportunity_close": lambda sat, opp: opp["window"][1] - sat.simulator.sim_time, "target_angle": _target_angle, } def __init__( self, *target_properties: dict[str, Any], n_ahead_observe: int, type="target", name=None, ): """Include information about upcoming access opportunities in the observation.. For each desired property, a dictionary specifying the property name and settings is passed. These can include preset properties or arbitrary functions of the satellite and opportunity. .. code-block:: python OpportunityProperties( dict(prop="r_LP_P", norm=REQ_EARTH * 1e3), dict(prop="double_priority", fn=lambda sat, opp: opp["target"].priority * 2.0), n_ahead_observe=16, ) Args: target_properties: Property that is a function of the opportunity to be appended to the the observation. Properties are optionally normalized by some factor. Each observation is a dictionary with the keys: * ``name``: Name of the observation element. * ``fn`` `optional`: Function to calculate property, in the form ``fn(satellite, opportunity)``. If not provided, the key ``prop`` will be used to look up a preset function: * ``priority``: Priority of the target. * ``r_LP_P``: Location of the target in the planet-fixed frame. * ``opportunity_open``: Time until the opportunity opens. * ``opportunity_mid``: Time until the opportunity midpoint. * ``opportunity_close``: Time until the opportunity closes. * ``target_angle``: Angle between the target and the satellite instrument direction. * ``norm`` `optional`: Value to normalize property by. Defaults to 1.0. n_ahead_observe: Number of upcoming targets to consider. type: The type of opportunity to consider. Can be ``target``, ``ground_station``, or any other type of opportunity that has been added via :obj:`~bsk_rl.sats.AccessSatellite.add_location_for_access_checking`. name: Name of the observation. """ if name is None: name = type super().__init__(name=name) self.type = type self.target_properties = target_properties for i, prop_spec in enumerate(self.target_properties): for key in prop_spec: if key not in ["fn", "norm", "name", "prop"]: raise ValueError(f"Invalid property key: {key}") if "norm" not in prop_spec: prop_spec["norm"] = 1.0 if "fn" not in prop_spec: try: prop_spec["fn"] = self._fn_map[prop_spec["prop"]] except KeyError: raise ValueError( f"Property prop={prop_spec['prop']} is not predefined and no `fn` was provided." ) else: if "prop" in prop_spec: logger.warning("Ignoring `prop` key when `fn` is provided.") if "name" not in prop_spec: if "prop" in prop_spec: prop_spec["name"] = prop_spec["prop"] else: prop_spec["name"] = f"prop_{i}" if prop_spec["norm"] != 1.0: prop_spec["name"] += "_normd" self.n_ahead_observe = int(n_ahead_observe) def get_obs(self): """Iterate over property specs. :meta private: """ from bsk_rl.sats import AccessSatellite if not isinstance(self.satellite, AccessSatellite): logger.warning( "OpportunityProperties observation requires an AccessSatellite" ) obs = {} for i, opportunity in enumerate( self.satellite.find_next_opportunities( n=self.n_ahead_observe, types=self.type, pad=True, ) ): props = {} for prop_spec in self.target_properties: name = prop_spec["name"] norm = prop_spec["norm"] value = prop_spec["fn"](self.satellite, opportunity) props[name] = value / norm obs[f"{}_{i}"] = props return obs
[docs] class Eclipse(Observation): def __init__(self, norm=1.0, name="eclipse"): """Include a tuple of the next eclipse start and end times in the observation. Args: norm: Value to normalize by. name: Name of the observation. """ super().__init__(name=name) self.norm = norm def get_obs(self): """Return tuple of normalized next eclipse start and end. :meta private: """ eclipse_start, eclipse_end = self.satellite.trajectory.next_eclipse( self.simulator.sim_time ) return [ (eclipse_start - self.simulator.sim_time) / self.norm, (eclipse_end - self.simulator.sim_time) / self.norm, ]
__doc_title__ = "Backend" __all__ = ["ObservationBuilder"]