
Observations are found at bsk_rl.obs.

Satellite observation types can be used to add information to the observation. Observation provides an interface for creating new observation types. To configure the observation, set the observation_spec attribute of a Satellite subclass. For example:

class MyObservationSatellite(Satellite):
    observation_spec = [
            dict(prop="r_BN_P", module="dynamics", norm=REQ_EARTH * 1e3),
            dict(prop="v_BN_P", module="dynamics", norm=7616.5),
            dict(prop="r_LP_P", norm=REQ_EARTH * 1e3),

The format of the observation can setting the obs_type attribute of the Satellite. The default is np.ndarray, but it can also be set to a human-readable dict or a list.

Some commonly used observations are provided:

  • SatProperties - Add arbitrary dynamics and fsw properties.

  • Time - Add simulation time to the observation.

  • OpportunityProperties - Add information about upcoming targets or other ground access points to the observation.

  • Eclipse - Add a tuple of the next orbit start and end.

class Observation(name: str = 'obs')[source]

Bases: ABC

Construct an observation.


name (str) – Name of the observation.

reset_post_sim_init() None[source]

Perform any once-per-episode setup.

Return type:


abstract get_obs() Any[source]

Return the observation.

Return type:


class SatProperties(*obs_properties: dict[str, Any], name='sat_props')[source]

Bases: Observation

Include properties from fsw and dynamics in the observation.

For each desired property, a dictionary specifying the property name and settings is passed. For example, to query the position and velocity of the satellite, the following would be used:

    dict(prop="r_BN_P", module="dynamics", norm=REQ_EARTH * 1e3),
    dict(prop="v_BN_P", module="dynamics", norm=7616.5, name="velocity"),
  • obs_properties (dict[str, Any]) –

    Property that can be found in fsw or dynamics that are to be appended to the the observation. Properties are optionally normalized by some factor. Each observation is a dictionary with the keys:

    • prop: Name of property in fsw and dynamics to query

    • module optional: Module (dynamics or fsw) that holds the property. Can be inferred if None.

    • norm optional: Value to normalize property by. Defaults to 1.0.

    • name optional: Name of the observation element. Defaults to the value of prop.

    • fn optional: Alternatively, call a function that takes the satellite as an argument.

  • name – Name of the observation.

class Time(norm=None, name='time')[source]

Bases: Observation

Include the simulation time in the observation.

  • norm – Time to normalize by. If None, the time is normalized by the simulation time limit.

  • name – Name of the observation.

class OpportunityProperties(*target_properties: dict[str, Any], n_ahead_observe: int, type='target', name=None)[source]

Bases: Observation

Include information about upcoming access opportunities in the observation..

For each desired property, a dictionary specifying the property name and settings is passed. These can include preset properties or arbitrary functions of the satellite and opportunity.

    dict(prop="r_LP_P", norm=REQ_EARTH * 1e3),
    dict(prop="double_priority", fn=lambda sat, opp: opp["target"].priority * 2.0),
  • target_properties (dict[str, Any]) –

    Property that is a function of the opportunity to be appended to the the observation. Properties are optionally normalized by some factor. Each observation is a dictionary with the keys:

    • name optional: Name of the observation element.

    • fn optional: Function to calculate property, in the form fn(satellite, opportunity). If not provided, the key prop will be used to look up a preset function:

      • priority: Priority of the target.

      • r_LP_P: Location of the target in the planet-fixed frame.

      • r_LB_H: Location of the target in the Hill frame.

      • opportunity_open: Time until the opportunity opens.

      • opportunity_mid: Time until the opportunity midpoint.

      • opportunity_close: Time until the opportunity closes.

      • target_angle: Angle between the target and the satellite instrument direction.

      • target_angle_rate: Rate difference between the target pointing frame and the body frame.

    • norm optional: Value to normalize property by. Defaults to 1.0.

  • n_ahead_observe (int) – Number of upcoming targets to consider.

  • type – The type of opportunity to consider. Can be target, ground_station, or any other type of opportunity that has been added via add_location_for_access_checking.

  • name – Name of the observation.

class Eclipse(norm=1.0, name='eclipse')[source]

Bases: Observation

Include a tuple of the next eclipse start and end times in the observation.

  • norm – Value to normalize by.

  • name – Name of the observation.