Module: imuSensor
Executive Summary
Sensor model to simulate an IMU.
The module
PDF Description
contains further information on this module’s function,
how to run it, as well as testing.
The corruption types are outlined in this
PDF Description
Message Connection Descriptions
The following table lists all the module input and output messages. The module msg connection is set by the user from python. The msg type contains a link to the message structure definition, while the description provides information on what this message is used for.
Msg Variable Name |
Msg Type |
Description |
scStateInMsg |
input essage name for spacecraft state |
sensorOutMsg |
output message name for IMU output data |
class ImuSensor : public SysModel
- #include <imuSensor.h>
An IMU sensor model that simulates accelerometer and gyro measurements with configurable noise.
The IMU sensor supports various noise configurations through:
Error bounds: Maximum allowed deviations from truth
PMatrix: Noise covariance matrix (diagonal elements = noiseStd * 1.5)
AMatrix: Propagation matrix for error model (defaults to 3x3 identity matrix)
Default behaviors:
AMatrixGyro: Initialized as 3x3 identity matrix
AMatrixAccel: Initialized as 3x3 identity matrix
Error bounds: Set to zero by default
Noise matrices: Set to zero by default
Example Python usage:
# Configure accelerometer noise (m/s^2) senTransNoiseStd = 0.001 PMatrixAccel = [0.0] * 9 PMatrixAccel[0] = PMatrixAccel[4] = PMatrixAccel[8] = senTransNoiseStd * 1.5 imuSensor.PMatrixAccel = PMatrixAccel imuSensor.setErrorBoundsAccel([0.1, 0.1, 0.1]) # Configure gyro noise (rad/s) senRotNoiseStd = 0.0001 PMatrixGyro = [0.0] * 9 PMatrixGyro[0] = PMatrixGyro[4] = PMatrixGyro[8] = senRotNoiseStd * 1.5 imuSensor.PMatrixGyro = PMatrixGyro imuSensor.setErrorBoundsGyro([0.01, 0.01, 0.01])
walkBoundsAccel and walkBoundsGyro are deprecated and will be removed in December 2025. Use setErrorBoundsAccel() and setErrorBoundsGyro() instead.
Public Functions
void Reset(uint64_t CurrentSimNanos)
Reset the module
- Parameters:
CurrentSimNanos – current time (ns)
void UpdateState(uint64_t CurrentSimNanos)
update module states
- Parameters:
CurrentSimNanos – current time (ns)
void readInputMessages()
read input messages
void writeOutputMessages(uint64_t Clock)
write output messages
void setBodyToPlatformDCM(double yaw, double pitch, double roll)
set body orientation DCM relative to platform
void computePlatformDR()
This function gathers actual spacecraft attitude from the spacecraft output message. It then differences the state attitude between this time and the last time the IMU was called to get a DR (delta radians or delta rotation) The angular rate is retrieved directly from the spacecraft output message and passed through to theother IMU functions which add noise, etc.
void computePlatformDV(uint64_t CurrentTime)
This functions gathers actual spacecraft velocity from the spacecraft output message. It then differences the velocity between this time and the last time the IMU was called to get a DV (delta velocity). The acceleration of the spacecraft in the body frame is gathered directly from the spacecraft output message. Then, it is converted to the platform frame and rotational terms are added to it to account for CoM offset of the platform frame.
- Parameters:
CurrentTime –
void applySensorErrors(uint64_t CurrentTime)
apply sensor errors
void applySensorDiscretization(uint64_t CurrentTime)
apply sensor direction
- Parameters:
CurrentTime –
void applySensorSaturation(uint64_t CurrentTime)
apply sensor saturation
void computeSensorErrors()
compute sensor errors
void scaleTruth()
scale truth method
void setLSBs(double LSBa, double LSBo)
set LSB values
void setCarryError(bool aCarry, bool oCarry)
set Carry error value
void setRoundDirection(roundDirection_t aRound, roundDirection_t oRound)
set round direction value
void set_oSatBounds(Eigen::MatrixXd oSatBounds)
set o saturation bounds
- Parameters:
oSatBounds –
void set_aSatBounds(Eigen::MatrixXd aSatBounds)
set a saturation bounds
- Parameters:
aSatBounds –
void setAMatrixAccel(const Eigen::MatrixXd &propMatrix)
Setter for
- Parameters:
propMatrix – Matrix to set
void setAMatrixGyro(const Eigen::MatrixXd &propMatrix)
Setter for
- Parameters:
propMatrix – Matrix to set
Eigen::MatrixXd getAMatrixAccel() const
Getter for
- Returns:
Current matrix
Eigen::MatrixXd getAMatrixGyro() const
Getter for
- Returns:
Current matrix
void setWalkBoundsAccel(const Eigen::Vector3d &bounds)
Setter for
- Parameters:
bounds – Bounds vector to set
void setWalkBoundsGyro(const Eigen::Vector3d &bounds)
Setter for
- Parameters:
bounds – Bounds vector to set
Eigen::Vector3d getWalkBoundsAccel() const
Getter for
- Returns:
Current bounds
Eigen::Vector3d getWalkBoundsGyro() const
Getter for
- Returns:
Current bounds
void setErrorBoundsAccel(const Eigen::Vector3d &bounds)
Sets accelerometer error bounds [m/s^2]
Setter for
- Parameters:
bounds – Bounds vector to set
void setErrorBoundsGyro(const Eigen::Vector3d &bounds)
Sets gyro error bounds [rad/s]
Setter for
- Parameters:
bounds – Bounds vector to set
Eigen::Vector3d getErrorBoundsAccel() const
Gets accelerometer error bounds [m/s^2]
Getter for
- Returns:
Current bounds
Eigen::Vector3d getErrorBoundsGyro() const
Gets gyro error bounds [rad/s]
Getter for
- Returns:
Current bounds
Public Members
ReadFunctor<SCStatesMsgPayload> scStateInMsg
input essage name for spacecraft state
Message<IMUSensorMsgPayload> sensorOutMsg
output message name for IMU output data
Eigen::Vector3d sensorPos_B
[m] IMU sensor location in body
Eigen::Matrix3d dcm_PB
— Transform from body to platform
Eigen::Vector3d senRotBias
[r/s] Rotational Sensor bias value
Eigen::Vector3d senTransBias
[m/s2] Translational acceleration sen bias
double senRotMax
[r/s] Gyro saturation value
double senTransMax
[m/s2] Accelerometer saturation value
uint64_t OutputBufferCount
— number of output msgs stored
bool NominalReady
— Flag indicating that system is in run
Eigen::Matrix3d PMatrixAccel
[-] Cholesky-decomposition or matrix square root of the covariance matrix to apply errors with
Eigen::Matrix3d AMatrixAccel
[-] AMatrix that we use for error propagation
Eigen::Vector3d walkBoundsAccel
Use setErrorBoundsAccel() instead, will be removed in December 2025
[-] Current navigation errors applied to truth
Eigen::Matrix3d PMatrixGyro
[-] Cholesky-decomposition or matrix square root of the covariance matrix to apply errors with
Eigen::Matrix3d AMatrixGyro
[-] AMatrix that we use for error propagation
Eigen::Vector3d walkBoundsGyro
Use setErrorBoundsGyro() instead, will be removed in December 2025
[-] Current navigation errors applied to truth
IMUSensorMsgPayload trueValues
[-] total measurement without perturbations
IMUSensorMsgPayload sensedValues
[-] total measurement including perturbations
Eigen::Vector3d accelScale
(-) scale factor for acceleration axes
Eigen::Vector3d gyroScale
(-) scale factors for acceleration axes
Discretize aDisc
(-) instance of discretization utility for linear acceleration
Discretize oDisc
(-) instance of idscretization utility for angular rate
BSKLogger bskLogger
— BSK Logging
Private Members
uint64_t PreviousTime
— Timestamp from previous frame
int64_t numStates
— Number of States for Gauss Markov Models
SCStatesMsgPayload StatePrevious
— Previous state to delta in IMU
SCStatesMsgPayload StateCurrent
— Current SSBI-relative state
GaussMarkov errorModelAccel
[-] Gauss-markov error states
GaussMarkov errorModelGyro
[-] Gauss-markov error states
Eigen::MRPd previous_sigma_BN
— sigma_BN from the previous spacecraft message
Eigen::MRPd current_sigma_BN
— sigma_BN from the most recent spacecraft message
Eigen::Vector3d previous_omega_BN_B
— omega_BN_B from the previous spacecraft message
Eigen::Vector3d current_omega_BN_B
— omega_BN_B from the current spacecraft message
Eigen::Vector3d current_nonConservativeAccelpntB_B
— nonConservativeAccelpntB_B from the current message
Eigen::Vector3d current_omegaDot_BN_B
— omegaDot_BN_B from the curret spacecraft message
Eigen::Vector3d previous_TotalAccumDV_BN_B
— TotalAccumDV_BN_B from the previous spacecraft message
Eigen::Vector3d current_TotalAccumDV_BN_B
— TotalAccumDV_BN_B from the current spacecraft message
Eigen::Vector3d accel_SN_P_out
— rDotDot_SN_P for either next method or output messages
Eigen::Vector3d DV_SN_P_out
— time step deltaV for either next method or output messages
Eigen::Vector3d omega_PN_P_out
— omega_PN_P for either next method or output messages
Eigen::Vector3d prv_PN_out
— time step PRV_PN for either next method or output messages
Eigen::Vector3d errorBoundsAccel
[-] Total error bounds for accelerometer states
Eigen::Vector3d errorBoundsGyro
[-] Total error bounds for gyro states