provides scenarios, or the underlying environment in which the satellite can collect data.
Scenarios typically correspond to certain type(s) of Data & Reward systems. The following scenarios have been implemented:
: Uniformly distributed targets to be imaged by anImagingSatellite
: Targets distributed near population centers.UniformNadirScanning
: Uniformly desireable data over the surface of the Earth.
- class UniformTargets(n_targets: int | tuple[int, int], priority_distribution: ~typing.Callable | None = None, radius: float = <MagicMock name='mock.orbitalMotion.REQ_EARTH.__mul__()' id='140146160617312'>)[source]
An environment with evenly-distributed static targets.
Can be used with
.- Parameters:
n_targets (int | tuple[int, int]) – Number of targets to generate. Can also be specified as a range
(low, high)
where the number of targets generated is uniformly selectedlow ≤ n_targets ≤ high
.priority_distribution (Callable | None) – Function for generating target priority. Defaults to
lambda: uniform(0, 1)
if not specified.radius (float) – [m] Radius to place targets from body center. Defaults to Earth’s equatorial radius.
- reset_overwrite_previous() None [source]
Overwrite target list from previous episode.
- Return type:
- regenerate_targets() None [source]
Regenerate targets uniformly.
Override this method (as demonstrated in
) to generate other distributions.- Return type:
- class CityTargets(n_targets: int | tuple[int, int], n_select_from: int | None = None, location_offset: float = 0, priority_distribution: ~typing.Callable | None = None, radius: float = <MagicMock name='mock.orbitalMotion.REQ_EARTH.__mul__()' id='140146160617312'>)[source]
Construct environment with static targets around population centers.
Uses the simplemaps Word Cities Database for population center locations. This data is installed by
.- Parameters:
n_targets (int | tuple[int, int]) – Number of targets to generate, as a fixed number or a range.
n_select_from (int | None) – Generate targets from the top n_select_from most populous cities. Will use all cities in the database if not specified.
location_offset (float) – [m] Offset targets randomly from the city center by up to this amount.
priority_distribution (Callable | None) – Function for generating target priority.
radius (float) – Radius to place targets from body center.
- class UniformNadirScanning(value_per_second: float = 1.0)[source]
Construct uniform data over the surface of the planet.
Can be used with
.- Parameters:
value_per_second (float) – Reward per second for imaging nadir.