Satellite Configuration

Satellites are the basic unit of agent in the environment. Four things must be specified in subclasses of Satellite:

  • The observation_spec, which defines the satellite’s observation.

  • The action_spec, which defines the satellite’s actions.

  • The dyn_type, which selects the underlying dynamics model used in simulation.

  • The fsw_type, which selects the underlying flight software model.

A very simple satellite is defined below:

from bsk_rl import sats, act, obs, scene, data, SatelliteTasking
from bsk_rl.sim import dyn, fsw
import numpy as np

from Basilisk.architecture import bskLogging

class SimpleSatellite(sats.Satellite):
    observation_spec = [obs.Time()]  # Passed as list of instantiated classes
    action_spec = [act.Drift()]
    dyn_type = dyn.BasicDynamicsModel  # Passed as a type
    fsw_type = fsw.BasicFSWModel

Setting Satellite Parameters

Without instantiating the satellite, parameters that can be set in the various models can be inspected.

{'hs_min': 0.0,
 'maxCounterValue': 4,
 'thrMinFireTime': 0.02,
 'desatAttitude': 'sun',
 'controlAxes_B': [1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1],
 'thrForceSign': 1,
 'K': 7.0,
 'Ki': -1,
 'P': 35.0,
 'utc_init': 'this value will be set by the world model',
 'batteryStorageCapacity': 288000.0,
 'storedCharge_Init': <function bsk_rl.sim.dyn.BasicDynamicsModel.<lambda>()>,
 'disturbance_vector': None,
 'dragCoeff': 2.2,
 'basePowerDraw': 0.0,
 'wheelSpeeds': <function bsk_rl.sim.dyn.BasicDynamicsModel.<lambda>()>,
 'maxWheelSpeed': inf,
 'u_max': 0.2,
 'rwBasePower': 0.4,
 'rwMechToElecEfficiency': 0.0,
 'rwElecToMechEfficiency': 0.5,
 'panelArea': 1.0,
 'panelEfficiency': 0.2,
 'nHat_B': array([ 0,  0, -1]),
 'mass': 330,
 'width': 1.38,
 'depth': 1.04,
 'height': 1.58,
 'sigma_init': <function bsk_rl.sim.dyn.BasicDynamicsModel.<lambda>()>,
 'omega_init': <function bsk_rl.sim.dyn.BasicDynamicsModel.<lambda>()>,
 'rN': None,
 'vN': None,
 'oe': <function bsk_rl.utils.orbital.random_orbit(i: Optional[float] = 45.0, alt: float = 500, r_body: float = 6371, e: float = 0, Omega: Optional[float] = None, omega: Optional[float] = 0, f: Optional[float] = None) -> Basilisk.utilities.orbitalMotion.ClassicElements>,
 'mu': 398600436000000.0,
 'thrusterPowerDraw': 0.0}

These parameters can be overriden when instantiating the satellite through the sat_args argument.

sat = SimpleSatellite(
        mass=300,  # Setting a constant value
        dragCoeff=lambda: np.random.uniform(2.0, 2.4),  # Setting a randomized value

Each time the simulation is reset, all of the function-based randomizers are called.

sat.generate_sat_args()  # Called by the environment on reset()
{'hs_min': 0.0,
 'maxCounterValue': 4,
 'thrMinFireTime': 0.02,
 'desatAttitude': 'sun',
 'controlAxes_B': [1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1],
 'thrForceSign': 1,
 'K': 7.0,
 'Ki': -1,
 'P': 35.0,
 'utc_init': 'this value will be set by the world model',
 'batteryStorageCapacity': 288000.0,
 'storedCharge_Init': 210686.167470996,
 'disturbance_vector': None,
 'dragCoeff': 2.210046657456083,
 'basePowerDraw': 0.0,
 'wheelSpeeds': array([-816.1821145 , 1283.7058494 ,   43.00611181]),
 'maxWheelSpeed': inf,
 'u_max': 0.2,
 'rwBasePower': 0.4,
 'rwMechToElecEfficiency': 0.0,
 'rwElecToMechEfficiency': 0.5,
 'panelArea': 1.0,
 'panelEfficiency': 0.2,
 'nHat_B': array([ 0,  0, -1]),
 'mass': 300,
 'width': 1.38,
 'depth': 1.04,
 'height': 1.58,
 'sigma_init': array([0.61557672, 0.38195961, 0.15085368]),
 'omega_init': array([ 1.24763170e-05, -2.55555918e-05,  4.82727815e-05]),
 'rN': None,
 'vN': None,
 'oe': <Basilisk.utilities.orbitalMotion.ClassicElements at 0x1075c4e80>,
 'mu': 398600436000000.0,
 'thrusterPowerDraw': 0.0}

As a result, each episode will have different randomized parameters:

for _ in range(3):
    sat.generate_sat_args()  # Called by the environment on reset()
    print("New value of dragCoeff:", sat.sat_args["dragCoeff"])
New value of dragCoeff: 2.0296430408084785
New value of dragCoeff: 2.3594474912160166
New value of dragCoeff: 2.202687725963055

The Observation Specification

A variety of observation elements are available for satellites. Full documentation can be found here, but some commonly used elements are explored below.

Info: In these examples, obs_type=dict is passed to the Satellite constructor so that the observation is human readable. While some RL libraries support dictionary-based observations, the default return type - the numpy array format - is more typically used.

Satellite Properties

The most common type of observations is introspective; i.e. what is my current state? Any @property in the dyn_type or fsw_type of the satellite can be accessed using SatProperties.

class SatPropsSatellite(sats.Satellite):
    observation_spec = [
            # At a minimum, specify the property to observe
            # You can specify the module to use for the observation, but it is not necessary
            # if only one module has for the property
            dict(prop="battery_charge_fraction", module="dynamics"),
            # Properties can be normalized by some constant. This is generally desirable
            # for RL algorithms to keep values around [-1, 1].
            dict(prop="r_BN_P", norm=7e6),
    action_spec = [act.Drift()]
    dyn_type = dyn.BasicDynamicsModel
    fsw_type = fsw.BasicFSWModel

env = SatelliteTasking(
    satellite=SatPropsSatellite("PropSat-1", {}, obs_type=dict),
observation, _ = env.reset()
{'sat_props': {'wheel_speeds': array([ -57.85337592, -149.13203924, -148.66485193]),
  'battery_charge_fraction': 0.8640781799149756,
  'r_BN_P_normd': array([-0.95867796,  0.19195187,  0.087026  ])}}

In some cases, you may want to access a bespoke property that is not natively implemented in a model. To do that, simply extend the model with your desired property.

class BespokeFSWModel(fsw.BasicFSWModel):
    def meaning_of_life(self):
        return 42

class BespokeSatPropsSatellite(sats.Satellite):
    observation_spec = [
    action_spec = [act.Drift()]
    dyn_type = dyn.BasicDynamicsModel
    fsw_type = BespokeFSWModel

env = SatelliteTasking(
    satellite=BespokeSatPropsSatellite("BespokeSat-1", {}, obs_type=dict),
observation, _ = env.reset()
{'sat_props': {'meaning_of_life': 42.0}}

Alternatively, define the property with a function that takes the satellite object as an argument.

class CustomSatPropsSatellite(sats.Satellite):
    observation_spec = [
        obs.SatProperties(dict(prop="meaning_of_life", fn=lambda sat: 42))
    action_spec = [act.Drift()]
    dyn_type = dyn.BasicDynamicsModel
    fsw_type = fsw.BasicFSWModel

env = SatelliteTasking(
    satellite=CustomSatPropsSatellite("BespokeSat-1", {}, obs_type=dict),
observation, _ = env.reset()
{'sat_props': {'meaning_of_life': 42.0}}

Opportunity Properties

Another common input to the observation is information about upcoming locations that are being accessed by the satellite. Currently, these include ground stations for downlink and targets for imaging, but OpportunityProperties will work with any location added by add_location_for_access_checking. In these examples,

class OppPropsSatellite(sats.ImagingSatellite):
    observation_spec = [
            # Properties can be added by some default names
            # They can also be normalized
            dict(prop="opportunity_open", norm=5700.0),
            # Or they can be specified by an arbitrary function
            dict(fn=lambda sat, opp: opp["r_LP_P"] + 42),
    action_spec = [act.Drift()]
    dyn_type = dyn.ImagingDynModel
    fsw_type = fsw.ImagingFSWModel

env = SatelliteTasking(
    satellite=OppPropsSatellite("OppSat-1", {}, obs_type=dict),
observation, _ = env.reset()
{'target': {'target_0': {'priority': 0.2986660083704773,
   'opportunity_open_normd': 0.0,
   'prop_2': array([5153180.64403888,  -47538.05942313, 3758169.82399934])},
  'target_1': {'priority': 0.6410321760315169,
   'opportunity_open_normd': 0.01429045697253311,
   'prop_2': array([4847885.53144301,  810420.93775173, 4064808.35984826])},
  'target_2': {'priority': 0.032083764127623926,
   'opportunity_open_normd': 0.0133455571753603,
   'prop_2': array([4919052.35597872,  885395.17406771, 3962378.85635155])}}}

The Action Specification

The action specification works similarly to observation specification. A list of actions is set in the class definition of the satellite.

class ActionSatellite(sats.Satellite):
    observation_spec = [obs.Time()]
    action_spec = [
        # If action duration is not set, the environment max_step_duration will be used;
        # however, being explicit is always preferable
        # One action can be included multiple time, if different settings are desired
    dyn_type = dyn.BasicDynamicsModel
    fsw_type = fsw.BasicFSWModel

env = SatelliteTasking(
    satellite=ActionSatellite("ActSat-1", {}, obs_type=dict),

# Try each action; index corresponds to the order of addition
_ =env.step(0)
_ =env.step(1)
_ =env.step(2)
2024-09-12 15:06:55,537                                WARNING    Creating logger for new env on PID=96241. Old environments in process may now log times incorrectly.
2024-09-12 15:06:55,743 gym                            INFO       Resetting environment with seed=2323542144
2024-09-12 15:06:55,815 gym                            INFO       <0.00> Environment reset
2024-09-12 15:06:55,815 gym                            INFO       <0.00> === STARTING STEP ===
2024-09-12 15:06:55,815 sats.satellite.ActSat-1        INFO       <0.00> ActSat-1: action_charge tasked for 120.0 seconds
2024-09-12 15:06:55,816 sats.satellite.ActSat-1        INFO       <0.00> ActSat-1: setting timed terminal event at 120.0
2024-09-12 15:06:55,823 sats.satellite.ActSat-1        INFO       <120.00> ActSat-1: timed termination at 120.0 for action_charge
2024-09-12 15:06:55,823 data.base                      INFO       <120.00> Data reward: {'ActSat-1': 0.0}
2024-09-12 15:06:55,823 sats.satellite.ActSat-1        INFO       <120.00> ActSat-1: Satellite ActSat-1 requires retasking
2024-09-12 15:06:55,824 gym                            INFO       <120.00> Step reward: 0.0
2024-09-12 15:06:55,824 gym                            INFO       <120.00> === STARTING STEP ===
2024-09-12 15:06:55,824 sats.satellite.ActSat-1        INFO       <120.00> ActSat-1: action_desat tasked for 60.0 seconds
2024-09-12 15:06:55,825 sats.satellite.ActSat-1        INFO       <120.00> ActSat-1: setting timed terminal event at 180.0
2024-09-12 15:06:55,829 sats.satellite.ActSat-1        INFO       <180.00> ActSat-1: timed termination at 180.0 for action_desat
2024-09-12 15:06:55,829 data.base                      INFO       <180.00> Data reward: {'ActSat-1': 0.0}
2024-09-12 15:06:55,829 sats.satellite.ActSat-1        INFO       <180.00> ActSat-1: Satellite ActSat-1 requires retasking
2024-09-12 15:06:55,830 gym                            INFO       <180.00> Step reward: 0.0
2024-09-12 15:06:55,830 gym                            INFO       <180.00> === STARTING STEP ===
2024-09-12 15:06:55,830 sats.satellite.ActSat-1        INFO       <180.00> ActSat-1: action_charge tasked for 600.0 seconds
2024-09-12 15:06:55,830 sats.satellite.ActSat-1        INFO       <180.00> ActSat-1: setting timed terminal event at 780.0
2024-09-12 15:06:55,862 sats.satellite.ActSat-1        INFO       <780.00> ActSat-1: timed termination at 780.0 for action_charge
2024-09-12 15:06:55,862 data.base                      INFO       <780.00> Data reward: {'ActSat-1': 0.0}
2024-09-12 15:06:55,862 sats.satellite.ActSat-1        INFO       <780.00> ActSat-1: Satellite ActSat-1 requires retasking
2024-09-12 15:06:55,863 gym                            INFO       <780.00> Step reward: 0.0

As with the observations, properties exist to help understand the actions available.

['action_charge', 'action_desat', 'action_charge']

Some actions take additional configurations, add multiple actions to the satellite, and/or have “special” features that are useful for manually interacting with the environment. For example, the imaging action can add an arbitrary number of actions corresponding to upcoming targets and process the name of a target directly instead of operating by action index.

class ImageActSatellite(sats.ImagingSatellite):
    observation_spec = [obs.Time()]
    action_spec = [
        # Set the number of upcoming targets to consider
    dyn_type = dyn.ImagingDynModel
    fsw_type = fsw.ImagingFSWModel

env = SatelliteTasking(
    satellite=ImageActSatellite("ActSat-2", {}),

2024-09-12 15:06:55,874                                WARNING    Creating logger for new env on PID=96241. Old environments in process may now log times incorrectly.
2024-09-12 15:06:56,205 gym                            INFO       Resetting environment with seed=2784853144
2024-09-12 15:06:56,206 scene.targets                  INFO       Generating 1000 targets
2024-09-12 15:06:56,728 gym                            INFO       <0.00> Environment reset
['action_image_0', 'action_image_1', 'action_image_2']

Demonstrating the action overload feature, we task the satellite based on target name. While this is not part of the official Gym API, we find it useful in certain cases.

target = env.unwrapped.satellite.find_next_opportunities(n=10)[9]["object"]
_ = env.step(target)
2024-09-12 15:06:56,733 sats.satellite.ActSat-2        INFO       <0.00> ActSat-2: Finding opportunity windows from 0.00 to 600.00 seconds
2024-09-12 15:06:56,752 sats.satellite.ActSat-2        INFO       <0.00> ActSat-2: Finding opportunity windows from 600.00 to 1200.00 seconds
2024-09-12 15:06:56,775 gym                            INFO       <0.00> === STARTING STEP ===
2024-09-12 15:06:56,776 act.discrete_actions           WARNING    <0.00> Action 'Target(tgt-972)' is not an integer. Will attempt to use compatible set_action_override method.
2024-09-12 15:06:56,776 sats.satellite.ActSat-2        INFO       <0.00> ActSat-2: Target(tgt-972) tasked for imaging
2024-09-12 15:06:56,777 sats.satellite.ActSat-2        INFO       <0.00> ActSat-2: Target(tgt-972) window enabled: 1006.4 to 1137.8
2024-09-12 15:06:56,777 sats.satellite.ActSat-2        INFO       <0.00> ActSat-2: setting timed terminal event at 1137.8
2024-09-12 15:06:56,855 sats.satellite.ActSat-2        INFO       <1009.00> ActSat-2: imaged Target(tgt-972)
2024-09-12 15:06:56,856 data.base                      INFO       <1009.00> Data reward: {'ActSat-2': 0.5081424423258969}
2024-09-12 15:06:56,857 sats.satellite.ActSat-2        INFO       <1009.00> ActSat-2: Satellite ActSat-2 requires retasking
2024-09-12 15:06:56,857 gym                            INFO       <1009.00> Step reward: 0.5081424423258969