
struct LambertValidatorMsgPayload
#include <LambertValidatorMsgPayload.h>

Structure used to log results of lambert validator, such as constraint violations. Specifies why lambertValidator failed to write a non-zero DV command message.

Public Members

int failedValidLambert

[-] no valid lambert solution if 1, otherwise 0

int failedNumIterationsLambert

[-] Lambert solver root finder iterations for x too high if 1, otherwise 0

int failedXToleranceLambert

[-] Lambert solver root finder for x not converged if 1, otherwise 0

int failedXSolutionConvergence

[-] x solution too different from previous time step if 1, otherwise 0

int failedDvSolutionConvergence

[-] Delta-V solution too different from previous time step if 1, otherwise 0

int failedDistanceTargetConstraint

[-] violated the maximum distance from target constraint if 1, otherwise 0

int failedOrbitRadiusConstraint

[-] violated the minimum orbit radius constraint if 1, otherwise 0

double xSolutionDifference

[-] difference in solution for free variable (iteration variable) to previous time

double dvSolutionDifference

[m/s] difference in Delta-V solution magnitude to previous time step

int violationsDistanceTarget

[-] number of violations of the maximum distance from target constraint

int violationsOrbitRadius

[-] number of violations of the minimum orbit radius constraint

double dv_N[3]

[m/s] Delta-V vector that would be commanded at maneuver time if all checks passed